
Review Detail of Mattroy1 in Reincarnated as a World



I've been enjoying this book, the worldbuilding is very good and I like the idea of a planet building itself in a way. This book is the authors first so the beginning of the book has some parts that get a little confusing but its not difficult to understand the gist of a what is going on. The biggest error this book has is the extensive character list and power system. Basically every race has different power systems, unique individuals in that race find new power systems, the mc introduces more power systems and creates unique races that have new power systems. It's too late to fix this issue now and its not actually horrible since I'm used to books that have 1 powe system that they never explain so you just kinda go with the flow and enjoy the ride and its fine. The characters however, I find myself confused on who is who, where they are, and what they are doing. A character list would be nice so we can understand all the nicknames and remember who we are talking about. An even better thing would be a basic map(although im not sure the feasibility) that every few chapters where you switch to see what a different race is up to, you give 1 map of where all the characters in the previous chapters since the last map have moved, then another map of where all the upcoming characters in the next set of chapters are before the chapter begins. Again idk how feasible that is, even if it was just art from the paint tool, but it would be super helpful to understanding the story.

Reincarnated as a World





Thanks for the honest review.