
Review Detail of OllieZ in Pokemon - Alex Burns



Just wanted to let people know that the last 6 comments seems to be from someone who wants to heavily lower the score of the fic. They were made in 30 min and some of them only have this single review with low stars. Report them. Review made at ch21: I don't think it was wise to spend all these chapters, where everyone is deciding if they want to read your story, in a rival and his Op pokemon (that we won't see again in 50 chapters) when your MC isn't even properly developed. I don't usually like or care about the MC having a rival for the same reason, you have to develop their character, summarize their adventure, their pokemon, and you have to make him an "equal" of the MC (so you have to make him special too), etc... and that takes a lot of chapters/words that I would have preferred to be about the MC having his own adventures and training his Pokemon. And it makes me resent rivals for that reason lol - I'm going to keep reading as there are not many high-quality Pokemon fics, as you seemed to be aiming for. I liked your world-building! Good job

Pokemon - Alex Burns





man why does everyone think that people that rate the fanfiction for what it truly is and some wannabe hero defends the fic. I don't understand why people defend the fic that is actually trash.


It’s actually not bad but went completely downhill after the zubat invasion

Leylin_Farlier99:man why does everyone think that people that rate the fanfiction for what it truly is and some wannabe hero defends the fic. I don't understand why people defend the fic that is actually trash.

completely agreed. it was not this bad before but after that it became true trash.

AMaWEEb:It’s actually not bad but went completely downhill after the zubat invasion

Are you the same guy who was saying he respects the author???

Leylin_Farlier99:completely agreed. it was not this bad before but after that it became true trash.

Also i only see one 1 Star review on this ff


I don't like the content and concept of this fanfic but the dedication of author is commendable he updates more than most authors but I don't like the content mind you but that doesn't me I hate him no what i mean to say is I respect his dedication not the story itself.

Neotera:Are you the same guy who was saying he respects the author???

Now the six comments I mentioned are gone. Back when I made the review there were only 10 reviews, and those 6 reviews were 1* that were made almost at the same time. I reported the accounts (that only had 1 activity that were a review of this fic with 1*), so I think they were banned (I'm not sure of this)

Neotera:Also i only see one 1 Star review on this ff