
Review Detail of TheLake22 in Avatar: The Fire Demon



I'm gonna leave a review that's mostly for me. The story started off great, I liked the potential the story had with the synopsis but you don't even get introduced to the character's background in the first few chapters. He's just thrown in the story with Iroh and it develops from there and you have an idea of where it's going but not really because the author doesn't do a lot of world building. You're left to mostly figure stuff out on your own, which was annoying on top of the poor grammar. I can understand if English isn't the author's first language but it looks like he didn't even read himself to make sure. The story develops in a good way at but quickly contradicts itself because you're not sure if the MC is a reincarnator or not. At some point the MC talks about his timeline until the attack on the Northern Water Tribe like he knows in what world he is but also doesn't know the main characters of the series like he's only an inhabitant of the world. It's messy but I liked the idea. I just didn't like the fact that it looks like the author doesn't care about the story. I don't care if a story takes time, quality over quantity and quantity is a big word because the chapters are very small. Well enough of me ranting. I think I was mostly fair with my rating except for the updating stability because I don't know the author and came upon this story while randomly searching for an ATLA fanfic. Anyway that's all.

Avatar: The Fire Demon



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