
Review Detail of Demigod_007 in HP: I Have "Pure" Magic



Its gooooooooooood. I dont usually write unless I have something to say or an opinion to share but since a review is sometimes needed to make the author aware that his hard work is appreciated I have decided to review. Your work so far has been quite good and refreshing to read even though it at times becomes predictable. It is not your fault tbh, the harry potter verse has been so throughly fleshed out by either canon or if not that then fanon that introducing completely new or foreign concepts is practically speaking impossible but still it is the challenge that authors such as you take on, to bring life and uniqueness to your fics. Firstly you have tried to branch out in a different direction than most fics and it suprisingly still maks sense, so kudos to that. Secondly you have tried to flesh out your character quite a bit, it does sometimes stretch a bit at the robotic side but still not bad. One thing I'll say is that failure is part of life. Perfectness is a concept foreign to a human mind so writing a character who never fails (or doesnt fail in any significant way) takes away from his human side and makes it seem robotic and artificial but even then you have managed it quite well. Mainly I would say that you have been doing an amazing job so far. Yes, there is scope for improvement but dont we all have that? 😂 So good job so far and keep writing. Signing off D3M1G0D_007

HP: I Have "Pure" Magic





let me appreciate your hard work for writing this. STICKY + HIGHLIGHT. Now, it's on the top.


Thank you. 😊

Snollygoster:let me appreciate your hard work for writing this. STICKY + HIGHLIGHT. Now, it's on the top.