
Review Detail of ONEPUNCH in In LCF as the illegitimate Son of a Merchant



Aigoo, there's a severe lacking of views and reviews here. Now, lets talk about the novel. This fanfic is recommended for novel readers. Manhwa readers would have a hard time understanding it. Next, i would like to say that this mc is a fanboy. A cale simper like any sane TCF reader. Now, i have seen a few complaints here and there about the mc not being the "mc". But lets face it alright, Cale is just that much of a likeable mc. So yeah, the mc is a side character of sorts. If that's not your cup of tea, you could leave it and not start a fight by dissing the poor author Next, the mc's power is... quite interesting. Its the power of "Words". A concept actualization. If he wrote "heal pain" on his body, his body would really heal. Coupled with his extraordinary talent for sculpting, this guy has the potential to raise an army singlehandedly. It has a few unknown restrictions but it won't take away the versatility he has. Next, the canon seems to have a...slight change. Arm appeared earlier and they somehow knew that the tree that holds the Ancient power Indestructible Shield. I don't mind it tho. It makes the story less predictable and spicier. That's all from me. I await more chapters from you author :) Sincerely, A TCF fan

In LCF as the illegitimate Son of a Merchant





Th,Thank you. I was fine but thanks for defending this poor author. Also what you said was true. -Another True Fan of TCF