
Review Detail of bloo in Gou to the world is invincible and then come out again



You can tell it's amateurish but this is a decent read if you're in the mood for a sign in novel. This guy fleshed out the world a bit, and I do like how the MC isn't COMPLETELY low key with no sense of existence. It does suffer from the typical xianxia failures tho. Brain dead enemies who start killing at the drop of the hat. Entire world uniting against MC just cos. In this world, if some Sect Elder sees a peerless genius who ISN'T the MC, they'll kiss their ass and worship him... If it is the MC tho? They'll go all out to kill him before he grows. Smh. Still tho, fun read. Give it a try.

Gou to the world is invincible and then come out again


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