2021-07-13 08:58

It's a bit on the edgy side for me coupled with the fact that I hate harems this may be a little biased but here goes. The writing quality is good I'm pretty sure he is a native English speaker and I have seen no mistakes in his grammar and punctuation. His speed on updates is pretty slow and sporadic but considering he is doing this for fun that is expected. Story development is predictable and simple and doesn't show much thought but again is expected since he is doing this for fun. Character design is complex and shows they're thought process which most of the time is reasonable. World background this is a fanfic so I guess it's just the way they present the background of it which I am supposed to review which I would say he (I'm assuming the author is a he) does a pretty good job but I feel like you would have to have general knowledge about one piece to follow the story which you should if you are reading a fanfic about it. 3/5 Overall Review: Is a decent fanfic which shows despite him doing this for fun he does put in effort. I would say Character Design and Writing Quality are the highlights of the fanfic he does research to help us the readers understand the concepts he is trying to get across better and in my opinion is a talented writer despite that this is not my cup of tea still 166 thousand people read the things you type so this definitely pleases a wide range of people so keep doing and don't get discouraged as people are reading your work even if it doesn't feel like it. In case you don't want to read all that: Decent fanfic not my cup of tea.

Liked by 1 people


*harems Auto-correct at work.

The content has been deleted

Oh didn't notice that thanks

PassiveAtom5140:*harems Auto-correct at work.

Not sure if you thought I was correcting you, but I wasn't. I write on my phone and auto-correct has some kind of vendetta against me...

Cerealord:Oh didn't notice that thanks
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