
Review Detail of ResidentialPsycho in Demon Fox System



This is a fun and exciting adventure/action/fantasy story featuring a teenage girl who is reborn as a magical fox and begins to live her new life. Although the writing is a little awkward in the beginning and the MC comes across as over-excitable, the writing improves quickly, and the MC matures. She is naive at first due to being a child in a new world with no experience of her own, but she learns quickly and becomes deceitful on her own. She has character depth and development, and so do her friends. Furthermore, all the characters are distinct and recognizable based on their personalities. The story develops smoothly, even if the start is a tad cheesy. The sequence of events is logical and makes sense. There aren't any ridiculous plot holes, although it can be a little confusing when characters constantly change forms. The setting takes place in a xianxia world where spirit foxes have their own community and schools. Humans also have their own cities. Other creatures aren't to be neglected either. Each party has their own objectives, relationships, past histories, and so on. As the MC explores this new world, so do we as the readers. Overall, this series is a hidden gem and a delight to read.

Demon Fox System


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