
Review Detail of Immortal_soul32 in A MAZE OF GREED



I discovered this author from her first work The Toxic Deal which was a contemporary romance novel with Mafia theme. And I found her ideas interesting enough to not only keep me hooked but also look for her other works. And then came A Maze of Greed'. This novel is totally different from her first work. I was dicey at first to read a fantasy romance novel as it is not my cup of tea. But I trusted author's words and decided to give it a try. And boy, I was so right. I am glad that I took that decision or I would have missed such an amazingly structured story full of secrets and emotions. It is a rollercoaster ride for me as at some places it takes you on the highs of emotions and anticipation only to drawn you to the shallows to feel every pain and ache of every character. With more than a dozen of characters, author has successfully bonded her readers with every character. We feel their anger, we smile when they do and we feel their hurt. The vivid description of that historic setting and minute details of the backgrounds creates a whole play in front of my eyes as if I am watching a web series or a well written play. We are only 140 chapters into the story and it has just begun. But I never got a feeling that it is getting boring or slow paced. Every chapter has some moments- sweet and sour, simple and complicated. The way author has written the story is very engaging and she has done justice to every character. I am living those characters' journey and growing along them. I can see how gradually each one of them has developed and changed over the time. I would have wrote a whole essay about how I feel about this story, but I think I will keep it reserved for another review. Only thing I want to say to our dear Author is that- "DON'T STOP!" Your readers love your work and are eager to read more from you. All the best and hope to read more works from you along with this awesome story.❤️💕






OMG! I'm little emotional right now.😢😢😢 Thank god none of my readers can see my face right now bcz I'm sure it must be looking funny 😝 I can't thank enough for your heartfelt words and ardent support for my both works. You are a kind soul, my dear friend 💜💜💜 My reader's words are my dose of motivation that I look forward to everyday. It's not easy to appreciate others and my readers never fails to do taht for me. I promise to come up with more interesting stories and you are right about A Maze of Greed has just begun. There is lot more I want to present to you guys and I can't keep calm about it. I have a feeling that we are in for a long journey with many others. 😍😍😉


Totally agreed with you!