
Review Detail of nihiility in Epic Of The Demonic Sage



Writing quality is great while having a few errors they are nothing major so it doesn't really affect your readability. The development is splendid and it joys me to finally find another novel with no cliche and annoying plots that are there only to portray needless bravado for the protagonist. Each and every characters seems to, very surprisingly from a novel of webnovel, follow the realistical concept of personality and emotion. The young masters don't annoy him neither does the damsel thirst over him. Now moving on to what I assume me and others reading this novel is mostly concerned about, The personality of protagonist. I'll have to say he's very apathetic to the point of making the common masses averse to his notion of morality which, by the way, doesn't exist at all. He as said in synopsis, betrayed and sacrificed his lover and comrades for power. And up until to now he hasn't showed even slight deviation from that personality or thought process. I'd personally rate this novel 5/5 as nothing so far disappointed me at all except protagonist kind of hiding his gift which I don't really care about.

Epic Of The Demonic Sage



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