
Review Detail of oldthrall in I was supposed to be The Gamer but the author forgot it midway.



It started of great but progressively went downhill Some characters introduced to the story are repeatedly left in an unresolved relationship with the MC. Author spends many chaps building up to a relationship beginning with these heroines, only to then not have anything happen and him leaving for another world again. This happens repeatedly. Again and again. It might be ok if it happened once and it was explained why, but nope this occurs again and again. characters are developed after loong long chapters if build up to a beginning relationship with our MC only to have nothing happen and he leaves to do the same thing. Some heroines with a supposed backstory with the MC is just shrugged off as another side char where the author never bothers explaining about them despite being a significant part of the MC’s identity. (Eg Balor) TLDR; Author needs to respect his own writing and what he has built up for his characters and not just throw it all away to move the “story” on. And tbh it’s not working and the fanfic is getting boring and uninspired.

I was supposed to be The Gamer but the author forgot it midway.





I've explained about Balor so many freaking times tho...... in the comments......


Balor context?