
Review Detail of Scrimivory in Sign In: Becoming A Great Spell Deity Starting From The Magic Academy



Stay away from this nonsense. It has a similar setting to those sign in novels where MC signs in, grows stronger, enemy comes, he beats, rinse and repeat. Just one of those power fantasy novels, and there's nothing wrong with that. Granted it's amongst the worse of the sign in novels I've read. Translation quality is absolutely awful and inconsistent, but still readable. Frankly I find a lot of those highly rated original novels and fanfictions in webnovel to be a lot more of a pain to read. Yet they still are very popular with people praising its grammar and English, god knows why. I digress, the reason why I've stressed to stay away from this novel is that starting at chapter 245, the story completely changes. I've seen some reviews warning of this before reading and thought it couldn't be that bad, boy was I wrong. It's as if you're reading a completely new novel that has no relevance to the older chapters at all. Only similarity is the MC's name. MC's personality seems different, all the other characters from the previous chapters are gone, it's a completely new world. The translation also got worse. So stay clear of this novel. I think it could be a somewhat fun and brainless read up till chapter 244 if that's your thing, but from then onwards it's just a completely new story that's just worse. I don't think there even was a "signing in" plot device anymore, though I could be wrong on that, may appear further on. So yeah, heed my warning. I can't stress enough that it's a completely new novel from chapter 245 onwards. I don't know if it returns back to the original story, but the way it was all handled is enough to convince me to stop reading.

Sign In: Becoming A Great Spell Deity Starting From The Magic Academy



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