
Review Detail of bookguy in I Added Everything to Strength



I think the one major drawback of this novel is the main character. He is way too impatient about everything. You'd think a guy who spent years in a wheelchair, saw his mother almost get assassinated, and thinks his brother's death was part of some conspiracy would try to lay a bit lower and increase his strength more. I mean per the novel the MC's brother was roughly 20 times more powerful than the MC is at chapter 25 and had way more real world experience and the MC is trying to rush to figure out what happened to him. Maybe get stronger first. The world background seems relatively interesting. The other characters seem to be written with more sense than the MC which is nice. The problem is that they aren't the person you are reading about. The story development feels a bit rushed mostly because of the MC's personality.

I Added Everything to Strength

Rongrong's Fur




I have to agree with you. He knows there is a cover up of some kind, plus the assasination attempt, the fact his folks are dead makes wonder if there was foul play... I would have played possum with the wheelchair and stayed lowkey for at least a little while.