
Review Detail of Comrade_Mandeep in Scar : It's you



So I read up to chapter 7 and I liked the sister character a lot. Really good concept. I noticed only 2 mistakes in the chapters so it's almost perfect. The story is interesting and if I read something more than 2 chapters you know it's good. I wouldn't nitpick and I liked the story and character. Keep up the good work. I also have a question for you so If you read this can I ask you a question?

Scar : It's you





Hi, thank you for taking out the time to read. I am going over the chapters and fixing them :) And ofc you can ask me anything!


wanna do a collab chapter sometime ?

ujjwalanushka34:Hi, thank you for taking out the time to read. I am going over the chapters and fixing them :) And ofc you can ask me anything!

I am down!

Comrade_Mandeep:wanna do a collab chapter sometime ?

Alright so the plan is simple. I will read all your novel and then form a chapter on basis of that. All you have to do is give me permission to do so. Because my character and the protagonist of my novel gets revived into a different universe each time they die so I can do all the work and post the chapter in my novel. I will give you credit and put your novel's link. is that a good offer?

ujjwalanushka34:I am down!

Sounds good 👍🏻

Mandeep_Singh_780:Alright so the plan is simple. I will read all your novel and then form a chapter on basis of that. All you have to do is give me permission to do so. Because my character and the protagonist of my novel gets revived into a different universe each time they die so I can do all the work and post the chapter in my novel. I will give you credit and put your novel's link. is that a good offer?

I'll give u an update soon


I have another question. What is the year in which the camp exist? cause that can cause problems.

ujjwalanushka34:I'll give u an update soon

THE RAID Day 3 Location= Camp 17-A Time = 1987 Mind = WORKING Mandeep uses his dragunov to spectate the area. While you check the satellite images to form a plan. It's a bad choice to make a plan on the spot, but you have to do it. You: This is the place? Mandeep: Yeah. You: How many guards? Mandeep: Ah! Security is pretty tight. You: So our best option is to cause a distraction and get access to the underground facility from there we can find the prisoner holding area. I got information from my spies that the prisoners will be transferred to another camp soon. So we must strike now. Mandeep: Let's raise some hell. Mandeep uses his satellite phone to call someone. Mandeep: Comrade Stiner, We need some assistance. Camp 17-A. You: Mandeep, What did you do? Mandeep: Called my Friend. You: What is going to happen? Mandeep: Just wait and watch. You hear a buzzing sound as you look up you see a plane flying over your head, and then you see explosions in the camp. You: Wait there were kids inside the camp. Mandeep: Well they are dead now. You: This can be counted as war crime. Mandeep: Everything we do is a war crime. Alright enough chat I provide you covering fire. Clear the area and signal me. Mandeep lies on the ground in position. The camp goes full alert. You quickly run and press your back against the corner. You look up and see an enormous wall. Patrol of guard start to preform sweep. You slowly walk toward the main gate. You see a group of soldiers coming in your direction. Mandeep: Steady, Steady. Boom The shot kills two guards in one hit and you shoot one with your pistal and then stab the other in his neck. You: Area Clear. Mandeep: Oh shit. You: What happened? Mandeep: RUN QUICK. TANK INCOMI- You hear explosion at Mandeep's location. The radio goes silent. You: FUCK. You quickly run toward the tanks. From inside the tank a guard comes and mounts on the machine gun. He start unloading his machine gun at you. You run and hide behind the corner. You hear the tank moving and so you quickly run in opposite direction. So this is as much i was able to right cause i already wrote 1 chapter before this to make this playas they are. so tell me what i should change to make it more authentic. Also this sotry takes place in 1987. So the camps exist for a long time. This won't ruin the lore of your novel and we wouldn't have any problems related to the protagonist of your novel because he does not exist yet. Also tell me a little more about the camp in detail and what kinds of security it has.


Hi, this happens around 2050-60. I have a plan. So around chapter 21, the govt is going to lead an attack. And maybe, your protagonist can be the one to lead this attack. Also, can we discuss this further through email or discord?

Mandeep_Singh_780:I have another question. What is the year in which the camp exist? cause that can cause problems.

yeah i give you my discord link here = https://discord.gg/wna6YGVzXJ here you go we discuss everything here.

ujjwalanushka34:Hi, this happens around 2050-60. I have a plan. So around chapter 21, the govt is going to lead an attack. And maybe, your protagonist can be the one to lead this attack. Also, can we discuss this further through email or discord?