
Review Detail of Arodicus in Master of none



Early review I am on chapter 85. The story is written decently when it comes to grammar, sentence structure, etc. World background is pretty interesting everyone having the chance to unlock a system and the systems interconnect in some scenarios. MC system is op but so far mc has not really taken advantage of it. Honestly mc doesn’t make many logical choices after he unlocks the system and jumps straight into adventuring. My main gripe about the story is the author doesn’t know how to portray different age levels for different characters. Everyone in this story reacts, talks, and behaves like a 10 year old. People yelling out of surprise or having an o face when they are adults living in a world that has many people fighting monsters. Overall I like the premise of the story and really hope the maturity of the characters goes up as it progresses.

Master of none





Thank you for this review.Everyone just said " oh it's exciting because of this and that " but no one pointed out things that might be turn offs.


I agree with the emotions part. Every character gets shy, angry, proud, sad, etc., after just one sentence from another character. And it shows! Red face, pouting, anticipation, emotions seem to overflow.