
Review Detail of amaturewriter in Antagonist start from one piece



so its interesting. the chps are very long . its legible, though it does get a bit messy at times. and its interesting. MC is an SI Mink and theres OC's and shit. 8 yrs before cannon ..nice. The romance interactions are plot forced. not forced - forced. but plot forced. think of it like a system mission or higher power act [ not exactly...barely like that]. suggest author build it more and take it slowly. its does have some plot holes/ or issues? IDK...but overall it can be just ignored cause it isnt that big i guess. ex: - MC is from a separate a tribe of minks that left zou, that then got captured to slavers in WB. dosnt make sense cause the ones that captured em were 30 million or so lvl. The minks were capable of holding off yonko crew....some smuchks wont get em. they trained since kids. -400 fishmen attacking MC cause he a human....I mean they hate humans but wont do shit like this. [ SH was FM was a war ] Also the PL....its small...like the admirals [ 12000 to 8000 ] and VA [ 8000 to 5000 ]..and so on...it should be bigger cause an admiral can easily take out legions of VA. suggest changing other than that its interesting

Antagonist start from one piece





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