
Review Detail of Yukisen in The Legacy System



The overall story was alright. Just alright. Nothing really notable. The path of revenge, but it makes you feel rather, made me feel not satisfying at all. Even with 1000 years of life experience going through blood shed, betrayal, and feeling the intent of death during the MC years, you really can tell he does not act like his true age at all, so rather than a thousand years the age would make more sense of his true age being about 30, maybe even less. Rather weird to be honest as I read, granted I stopped at chapter 80 I believe as I just left it at that, getting some of his revenge was not satisfying towards the reader. Don't get me wrong I am not attacking the author, he writes well, grammer is good, but the ultimate premise of the story as a whole just feels like an empty shell that does not give you any reward on to reading any further. When getting the so called "slaves" for his revenge, the writing makes you feel bland, if you came for r-18 there is hardly any in the beginning as the author just skips the scenes but puts other character scenes in? Weird right? Anyway later at the end it starts to be picked up in the category for the MC, if your coming for revenge its Fine. I recommend reading a couple chapters first to get your views on this book. These are my thoughts and opinions on this book, not the worst I read but will easily be blotted out in time...

The Legacy System





well, thanks for pointing out my shortcomings.