
Review Detail of Sulov_Adhikari in The Legacy System



This is my review after reading 60 chapters of this jovel. The writing quality of this novel is good with little to no grammatical errors. I can barely find anything that is hard to understand. The story development of the novel as far as I have read is doing great. The synopsis of the novel might seem cliche and readers might think that the story might also be cliche. However, i haven't found anything cliche in this novel at all. The plot seems to go in the predictable direction but there is always twist and turn in the plot. The story development is going in such a way that it will make readers curious about the things that will happen next. As far as the character development goes there is no huge character development of the character. There are subtle character development for the mc where he comes to understand about people characters. However, this novel is only at its early phase. So I am expecting to see some character development as the novel continues. Finally about the world background. The world where the story is taking place is simliar to earth until the S arrives.

The Legacy System



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沒有回復。 來,成為第一個評論的人!