
Review Detail of TaintedMetal in Avenging Angels



This novel screams straight forward and straight to the point. It captures your attention and pulls you straight to the revenge themed story of the Thorne sisters, very fitting family name considering they will be a thorn for the villains. Speaking of villains, you have a family of them, the Bladderworts. Seriously I laughed at their name. It's cheesy but in a good way. The direction and overall vibe to this novel is very drama like, think any TV show that has best friends or sisters as the main characters (most likely the latter) with a dash of comedy in between scenes. Admittedly readers will have to be patient due to its down to Earth setting, even though we go straight to the point of the main leads, the author takes their time to craft each scene, not rushing it thus patience is required when going through this book. Only criticism I got would be the sometimes fast paced speech of some characters, the ones beyond the Thorne sisters specifically. Also maybe a bit more of the side characters could use a bit more spice for them, make them stand out and memorable. So far so good author, keep it up.

Avenging Angels





Wooww!!! What a long and detailed review, thank you so much for this, I was smiling throughout as I read it. I'll definitely take that into mind as I write. Thank you so much for this!