
Review Detail of Fatty_Cream in Doomsday Online: Supreme Blessing



One star all across the board, except for the translation i guess, you'd think with a preview that this trash novel wouldn't get picked over the other contenders. Not much to say, not much suspense, cringe dialogue, the main character does't seem to have a personality outside of whatever chuuni dialogue the author wants him to spew. Very much unlike how some characters from other stories are driven by reason and their own logic. I've read how some stoic main leads who were men of few words, who perhaps justity their lack of action through an internal dialogue, perhaps adopting a darwinian view of the world as a necessay rite of passage for the transition of the new world. What about this MC? Well his explanation is that its becuase they're worms and being good niave cuz bad can save u unlike being good and thats not good and hes right and no question him he has super SSS skill but his class also op and im losing precious braincells and time writing this garbage. Why did that read terrible, and very lacking in thought? That's kind of how this story reads and feels, things just happen and the stats brought up dont really mean anything. So my advice is to just avoid this altogether unless you like actively losing braincells.

Doomsday Online: Supreme Blessing

Jixia Academy's Half-Step Gentleman


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