
Review Detail of DetachedDreamer in The Tale Of Loki



The more you read the more the worse the MC gets. no goals cept power cliche, lies to the only people who love him, isn't afraid to dabble in r*pe, no care for life, and refers to his lack in morals too often. no redeeming qualities.

The Tale Of Loki





To be fair, that's what a lot of people would be like given the same opportunity.


Never raped anyone, don't know where you got that from


are u lokis reincarnation? yh your dumb bro

Fachi:Never raped anyone, don't know where you got that from

pretty sure the loki in mythology is exactly like this... the review is pointless when Loki's character was spot on.

LoverOfGula:are u lokis reincarnation? yh your dumb bro

literally like did he expect him to be emiya shirou?

UndeadBeing:pretty sure the loki in mythology is exactly like this... the review is pointless when Loki's character was spot on.

idk, I haven't read it yet but Loki literally had horse babies... those don't come naturally, he pulled a Zeus on a horse

LoverOfGula:literally like did he expect him to be emiya shirou?

This is the MCU not real mythology and this is an SI not the real Loki.

UndeadBeing:pretty sure the loki in mythology is exactly like this... the review is pointless when Loki's character was spot on.

Literally in Norse mythology he had a baby with a wolf who in turn killed I think it was Odin. Had several kids ranging from humans to animals. He was like Zues except most of his kids were born just to screw over the Gods, that's why he was imprisoned. Marvel can't have that version of loki but there's still references such as fenrir and ragnarok.

Fachi:Never raped anyone, don't know where you got that from

Don't know how you figured that one out, blew past me. Of course I knew, I'm just pointing out some differences and telling the person I replied to a different version where he was as flamboyant.

Bra_d:This is the MCU not real mythology and this is an SI not the real Loki.

Yeah but he's talking about the book, not Norse Mythology.

UndeadBeing:Literally in Norse mythology he had a baby with a wolf who in turn killed I think it was Odin. Had several kids ranging from humans to animals. He was like Zues except most of his kids were born just to screw over the Gods, that's why he was imprisoned. Marvel can't have that version of loki but there's still references such as fenrir and ragnarok.

Can you not read? I said "Don't know how you figured that one out, blew past me. Of course I knew, I'm just pointing out some differences and telling the person I replied to a different version where he was as flamboyant." I already answered don't comment if you don't think first

Fachi:Yeah but he's talking about the book, not Norse Mythology.

Yeah sure man but your whole conversation is ridiculous. Don't compare the real version of Loki to this one when you didn't read the book, the review WASN'T spot on, it was entirely wrong. And what do you mean by "I replied to a different version where he was as flamboyant". Besides, a reply should be all I need to reply TO, I shouldn't have to assume that I need to go through other comments.

UndeadBeing:Can you not read? I said "Don't know how you figured that one out, blew past me. Of course I knew, I'm just pointing out some differences and telling the person I replied to a different version where he was as flamboyant." I already answered don't comment if you don't think first

My conversation was on something else, I told you what I was talking about yet you keep saying don't compare when I said I was talking about a different version. I answered why I said it, can you not read? is it that hard to see that I was talking about something else? is your argument stuck there? I'll repeat "I was talking about Norse mythology." He was talking about the story, I replied to him with a comparison to Norse mythology, and then Idiots like you come in talking about the fact that I compared Norse to MCU, here's something straight from google, I searched up what does comparison mean and google said it is a consideration or estimate of the similarities or dissimilarities between two things or people. My conversation was comparing MCU Loki to Norse Loki, what don't you get about that? Of course it was ridiculous, it's a conversation about Norse Loki's and MCU Loki's s*x life. I honestly can't believe you don't understand what comparison means. It's a conversation between two people, not a place where idiots are supposed to come in and point out that "Norse Loki's s*x life is worse than MCU Loki's s*x life" is ridiculous. And who doesn't read the entire conversation before replying? Not a single conversation goes well when one person doesn't know what the other said. Who cares if it wasn't spot on, as I've said before it is a conversation between two people. If you can't tell I'm severely p*ssed, I honestly don't know how people don't know a conversation can be entirely on something else

Fachi:Yeah sure man but your whole conversation is ridiculous. Don't compare the real version of Loki to this one when you didn't read the book, the review WASN'T spot on, it was entirely wrong. And what do you mean by "I replied to a different version where he was as flamboyant". Besides, a reply should be all I need to reply TO, I shouldn't have to assume that I need to go through other comments.

using Magic so you make the woman drop her defences and sleep with you what is it? read again chapter 8

Fachi:Never raped anyone, don't know where you got that from

All in all...Loki would be proud.


He looks, sounds and acts like the original loki that's why I kinda dropped this


He did not pull it, he got pulled big difference

UndeadBeing:idk, I haven't read it yet but Loki literally had horse babies... those don't come naturally, he pulled a Zeus on a horse

Same thing different meaning, either way there was a Zeus that was pulled

solemngamer:He did not pull it, he got pulled big difference

exactly, and he a reincarnated person no less. can't he at least try to live even if just a little bit better than the original, considering that he is yk.

katarinabluu:He looks, sounds and acts like the original loki that's why I kinda dropped this

but this is a reincarnated individual, not the actual Loki.

UndeadBeing:pretty sure the loki in mythology is exactly like this... the review is pointless when Loki's character was spot on.