
Review Detail of hzlasher in Nurturing Humanity



Mixing of the game world with the sandbox will ultimately kill this novel. It will give birth to the 'shameless' protagonists that we all know and love. This will eventually destroy any consequences the actions had. The story will ultimately boil down to a xianxia. if only he just watched the world develop without adding protagonists into the story. oh such a lovely story destroyed by having to add an unlimited number of players.

Nurturing Humanity

Three Hundred Pounds of Smile




He isn't necessarily mixing the game world with the sandbox. He is probably basically allowing a person to live in the sandbox world for one lifetime at the time of 100 years a day probably without any cheats by transporting his soul into a bugman's body. It doesn't really turn it into a game, both sides are real, the human souls are real, not data, neither are the bug people.


You say that but you do realize people from the future brings with them a lot of knowledge. what i dont like is the fact that people are hand picked to become 'heroes'. heroes shoudnt be made, they work for it. gilgamesh did the trials. the 3 witches fought for their lives. without the drive to survive the journey becomes shallow.

Once_Upon_A_Time:He isn't necessarily mixing the game world with the sandbox. He is probably basically allowing a person to live in the sandbox world for one lifetime at the time of 100 years a day probably without any cheats by transporting his soul into a bugman's body. It doesn't really turn it into a game, both sides are real, the human souls are real, not data, neither are the bug people.

You're right, it's true that heroes shouldn't be picked and should be worked for. However in this situation the MC is not picking heroes, he's giving the person he picked a chance to build himself as a hero using the knowledge from the future. He may or may not be a hero, it all depends on how they work towards the goal using the knowledge of the future. The knowledge of the future cannot be used as an excuse either, the MC gave Gilgamesh fire, weaponry, and power, while the three witches received concepts of alchemy and other topics that had spanned over millenniums. The knowledge of the future can just be treated as the MC giving the person knowledge that allows him to build himself as a hero.

hzlasher:You say that but you do realize people from the future brings with them a lot of knowledge. what i dont like is the fact that people are hand picked to become 'heroes'. heroes shoudnt be made, they work for it. gilgamesh did the trials. the 3 witches fought for their lives. without the drive to survive the journey becomes shallow.

Plus, once he experiences the civilization of sorcery, he would obtain the drive to fight with his life, after all, the option in the game stated that it is their chance to live a second life.

hzlasher:You say that but you do realize people from the future brings with them a lot of knowledge. what i dont like is the fact that people are hand picked to become 'heroes'. heroes shoudnt be made, they work for it. gilgamesh did the trials. the 3 witches fought for their lives. without the drive to survive the journey becomes shallow.

Although I can understand what you mean, your review is purely based on subjective likes/dislikes and baseless conjectures. I also saw that you made a review more than once. Are you just trying to destroy novels rating with poor excuse?


What a baseless conjecture. I just wonder, how can you even come up with such a stupid idea that players will be 'shameless'? Maybe we all should just add out 2 cents, and say that they will be a little pony, or serial killer, or whatever. Why should we provide any constructive evidence for these claims? Why should we rate novel based on facts, when we can just conjure some bullshit out of our arses? What a retard you are... I'm reading MTL now, and players are very considerate of the world they are living in. They are using minds of whole planet to fight against evil emperors and shit. He should not add players to world? And how the **** will he cure cancer, huh? You moronic idiot clearly didn't even pay attention. Witches weren't able to understand alchemy. They needed external influence to even comprehend such simple thing as meditation. If somebody will start to behave badly, he can just ban him and his organisation. Players are not afraid of death, and they can be more bold in their actions than natives. Having such entities will advance civilization by leaps and bounds, no doubt.


Jeez. youre taking this quite personally huh. from what i can gather from people who have read the mtl. - the author becomes nationalist. - he forgets about the cancer. - forgets about the love interest. - and yes this does become a game, seeing as the players dont really have any consequence. yeah sure the sandbox could have changes but for the players it doesnt matter, after all its not real life.

Cpecific:What a baseless conjecture. I just wonder, how can you even come up with such a stupid idea that players will be 'shameless'? Maybe we all should just add out 2 cents, and say that they will be a little pony, or serial killer, or whatever. Why should we provide any constructive evidence for these claims? Why should we rate novel based on facts, when we can just conjure some bullshit out of our arses? What a retard you are... I'm reading MTL now, and players are very considerate of the world they are living in. They are using minds of whole planet to fight against evil emperors and shit. He should not add players to world? And how the **** will he cure cancer, huh? You moronic idiot clearly didn't even pay attention. Witches weren't able to understand alchemy. They needed external influence to even comprehend such simple thing as meditation. If somebody will start to behave badly, he can just ban him and his organisation. Players are not afraid of death, and they can be more bold in their actions than natives. Having such entities will advance civilization by leaps and bounds, no doubt.

Wut? That's some big BS. I didn't read that much, only up to 210 ch. Based on that: - MC isn't involved in politics (no nationalism) - How the **** can he forget about cancer?!!! Witches (kinda?) solved it early on. - Well, true. But you can argue whether she even was a love interest to begin with. Long distance relationship isn't relationship at all. - I dunno how blind one must be to come to this conclusion... Author pays attention to those, who don't view this as a game. Some even clearly understand that it is real world.

hzlasher:Jeez. youre taking this quite personally huh. from what i can gather from people who have read the mtl. - the author becomes nationalist. - he forgets about the cancer. - forgets about the love interest. - and yes this does become a game, seeing as the players dont really have any consequence. yeah sure the sandbox could have changes but for the players it doesnt matter, after all its not real life.

- Cant really confirm nor deny that fact since i cant read mtl. - Solving cancer was a goal. witches didnt 'solve' it. he still has the problem of having a time bomb in his body. - There was significant amount of time given to the relationship to outright cut it out of nowhere. - Ikosa-Bobkenton:- Spoiler: read the mtl currently on chapter 194. it 100% turns into a gaming novel. just wait until he dumps over 100 people at once which is the next arc

Cpecific:Wut? That's some big BS. I didn't read that much, only up to 210 ch. Based on that: - MC isn't involved in politics (no nationalism) - How the **** can he forget about cancer?!!! Witches (kinda?) solved it early on. - Well, true. But you can argue whether she even was a love interest to begin with. Long distance relationship isn't relationship at all. - I dunno how blind one must be to come to this conclusion... Author pays attention to those, who don't view this as a game. Some even clearly understand that it is real world.

- - WTF are you talking about? He (kinda) solved it by chapter 123. And he never forgot about it. Do you want author to water story by reminding you every chapter that MC is so concerned about cancer, that he can only think about how concerned he is, instead of doing sth about it? - They can still meet in the game, so maybe it's not outright cut off? Just story isn't about love, but about evolution and multiple POVs. I'd say it was a waste to even introduce a girl this early on. - yeah, I read that dumbo's comment. Calling this novel "game" left and right, just because some earthling can posess evolving avatars. But can you actually name at least one aspect, that defines "game" novels? (besides avatars) There is none!

hzlasher:- Cant really confirm nor deny that fact since i cant read mtl. - Solving cancer was a goal. witches didnt 'solve' it. he still has the problem of having a time bomb in his body. - There was significant amount of time given to the relationship to outright cut it out of nowhere. - Ikosa-Bobkenton:- Spoiler: read the mtl currently on chapter 194. it 100% turns into a gaming novel. just wait until he dumps over 100 people at once which is the next arc

I'm caught up with raws from what all I can see is Cooking or 'Misunderstandings' in every arc. Chinese People are the chosen ones and ancestral lineage that spans thousands-millions of years old.. This is all I see repetitively. I thought the Elf World Arc was terrible but the Budda world didn't make much sense either. MC said he doesn't want any Gods as it's a small world and it's basically asking himself to blow up since the Budda/food world is his Dantian. I thought MC would be like Caroline (Who summons souls from her inner world) But it's simply the same old thing - taking on a new identity and playing too much in the 'mortal world'. [Just forget that. The story info keeps changing and not have clear goals] This has more misunderstandings then "Grandson of the Holy Emperor is a Necromancer" that says something. I don't even think they're ever going to be resolve at this point.. He keeps piling up lies to more lies.. My gosh it's a headache ^.^ Honestly it just feels that the author is just writing to fill in words, not really a well-constructed story just my opinion sigh


You dumb*** it is a gaming novel because everyone else sees it as a game, have you read any other novels like gamers of the underworld or tree of life it is literally no different from them, just a bunch of crazy players doing crazy things that end up making the MC become stronger.

Cpecific:- - WTF are you talking about? He (kinda) solved it by chapter 123. And he never forgot about it. Do you want author to water story by reminding you every chapter that MC is so concerned about cancer, that he can only think about how concerned he is, instead of doing sth about it? - They can still meet in the game, so maybe it's not outright cut off? Just story isn't about love, but about evolution and multiple POVs. I'd say it was a waste to even introduce a girl this early on. - yeah, I read that dumbo's comment. Calling this novel "game" left and right, just because some earthling can posess evolving avatars. But can you actually name at least one aspect, that defines "game" novels? (besides avatars) There is none!

You think I give a **** what people THINK? If you can't name any fucking reason why this is a gaming genre, then **** off. I will continue to point out to dumb fucks like you, that you are a dumb **** who is spewing nonsense.

BobKenton:You dumb*** it is a gaming novel because everyone else sees it as a game, have you read any other novels like gamers of the underworld or tree of life it is literally no different from them, just a bunch of crazy players doing crazy things that end up making the MC become stronger.

honestly you're just a 13yo troll at this point if you understand my first reply. Nevermind, 5yo since I'm sure 13 year olds understand what I'm saying and use less swear words that think would help make their point across

Cpecific:You think I give a **** what people THINK? If you can't name any fucking reason why this is a gaming genre, then **** off. I will continue to point out to dumb fucks like you, that you are a dumb **** who is spewing nonsense.

oh, you thought I will talk without swearing with idiot who doesn't provide any constructive argument and swears for me at the same time? Plus, being moronic idiot, has nothing better to say other than his assumption of age, instead of topic. You are a dumbo, true

BobKenton:honestly you're just a 13yo troll at this point if you understand my first reply. Nevermind, 5yo since I'm sure 13 year olds understand what I'm saying and use less swear words that think would help make their point across

you really are blind and a retard. I said read my first reply. Have you read any other gaming novels to notice similarities? That's why I asked if you read any of the earlier novels I mentioned, they all involve "players" doing crazy things that end up making the mc stronger. That is literally all these kinds of novel do. The story so far and the next THREE worlds revolve around the players. This is literally a gaming novel. But you just had to skim my reply and cuss me out asking for proof instead of reading my comment. Makes me wonder if you never read any other of these kinds of gaming novels or if you're actually mentally ill. Either way kys and get off the platform


he really is a kid by the way he doesn't deny it and is trying to find an excuse to curse

Cpecific:oh, you thought I will talk without swearing with idiot who doesn't provide any constructive argument and swears for me at the same time? Plus, being moronic idiot, has nothing better to say other than his assumption of age, instead of topic. You are a dumbo, true

I'm really appalled to what degree idiots would go to ignore someone's argument and slide down conversation to talking about age, which is VERY important. Look here, stupid moron. I'm swearing at retards because you bunch have nothing useful to say. If I say something useful, you will just continue to deny it in any unconstructive way possible. If person is not such a retard as you are, he will retort with contrargument (and possibly swearing, which by that point won't be important). So swearing at meaningless comments at least gives me some satisfaction and annoys you a little.

sinergia_teps:he really is a kid by the way he doesn't deny it and is trying to find an excuse to curse

first your ignorant child your argument was not with me The person you were discussing answered your comment twice and you ignored it 2: age matters for an argument yes because only with experience does a person realize that cursing does not get you anywhere in an argument 3: everyone realized that you are just a child having a tantrum because someone talks badly about your favorite novel.

Cpecific:I'm really appalled to what degree idiots would go to ignore someone's argument and slide down conversation to talking about age, which is VERY important. Look here, stupid moron. I'm swearing at retards because you bunch have nothing useful to say. If I say something useful, you will just continue to deny it in any unconstructive way possible. If person is not such a retard as you are, he will retort with contrargument (and possibly swearing, which by that point won't be important). So swearing at meaningless comments at least gives me some satisfaction and annoys you a little.

you really are blind and a retard. I said read my first reply. Have you read any other gaming novels to notice similarities? That's why I asked if you read any of the earlier novels I mentioned, they all involve "players" doing crazy things that end up making the mc stronger. That is literally all these kinds of novel do. The story so far and the next THREE worlds revolve around the players. This is literally a gaming novel. But you just had to skim my reply and cuss me out asking for proof instead of reading my comment. Makes me wonder if you read any other gaming novels or if you're actually mentally disabled. Either way kys and get off the platform.

Cpecific:oh, you thought I will talk without swearing with idiot who doesn't provide any constructive argument and swears for me at the same time? Plus, being moronic idiot, has nothing better to say other than his assumption of age, instead of topic. You are a dumbo, true