
Review Detail of Theory_of_Orange in Shadow Emperor in Another World



You just have to turn your Brian off to enjoy this novel but if you are just looking for something to pass time this is perfect.

Shadow Emperor in Another World





how do I turn my Brian off ?


1. don't think 2. accept the unreasonable 3. go with the flow 4. derp out 5. do think too hard 6. shrug everything off 7. say **** it, les do dis

DaoistPotatoFarmer:how do I turn my Brian off ?

How is me not thinking gonna affect Brian?

Primordial_Two:1. don't think 2. accept the unreasonable 3. go with the flow 4. derp out 5. do think too hard 6. shrug everything off 7. say **** it, les do dis

sorry, I'm so used to reading poor grammar that my mind auto corrected it to 'Brain' so, to turn off your Brian what you gave to do is 1. Press the off button 2. Unplug the emergency power cord 3. Disconnect the head 4. Shoot the head 5. Pack it up everything else of the brian 6. Return to the ACME Corporation with a guaranteed money back

DaoistPotatoFarmer:How is me not thinking gonna affect Brian?

Oh, ok thanks, was really confused about that.

Primordial_Two:sorry, I'm so used to reading poor grammar that my mind auto corrected it to 'Brain' so, to turn off your Brian what you gave to do is 1. Press the off button 2. Unplug the emergency power cord 3. Disconnect the head 4. Shoot the head 5. Pack it up everything else of the brian 6. Return to the ACME Corporation with a guaranteed money back

Teach me masta


lol 🤣

Primordial_Two:sorry, I'm so used to reading poor grammar that my mind auto corrected it to 'Brain' so, to turn off your Brian what you gave to do is 1. Press the off button 2. Unplug the emergency power cord 3. Disconnect the head 4. Shoot the head 5. Pack it up everything else of the brian 6. Return to the ACME Corporation with a guaranteed money back

Bookmarked the list because of the high value instructions compiled by one with profound attainment in matters relevant to mastery of the Dao in discussion 💊💊💊

Primordial_Two:1. don't think 2. accept the unreasonable 3. go with the flow 4. derp out 5. do think too hard 6. shrug everything off 7. say **** it, les do dis

💊♨️💊Bookmarked the list because of the high value instructions compiled by one with profound attainment in matters relevant to mastery of the Dao in discussion 💊💊

Primordial_Two:sorry, I'm so used to reading poor grammar that my mind auto corrected it to 'Brain' so, to turn off your Brian what you gave to do is 1. Press the off button 2. Unplug the emergency power cord 3. Disconnect the head 4. Shoot the head 5. Pack it up everything else of the brian 6. Return to the ACME Corporation with a guaranteed money back