
Review Detail of southgamez in Reincarnated with my friends(DROPPED)



I find this story interesting, but the grammar, and constant switch between which character the story focuses on, gives me quite the headache. I get that the Author wants to have 3 MC's, but a proper story should only have 1 MC, while other characters can have major parts. Word of advice, pick one character, and make the story revolve around him, while the other two should only be major part side characters. Don't try to juggle 3 MC's, as you will lose readers when they read from one perspective, only for it to change all of a sudden. Also, re run all your chapters through Grammatical checker, as you are either someone who doesn't speak English well, or you are a child still in grade school. Sorry if I hurt your feelings... Good Luck Author-kun!!!!

Reincarnated with my friends(DROPPED)


Liked it!



Nah I'm just too lazy to fix the grammar at which I'll try to do also thanks for the advice.