
Review Detail of ObserVers in The informant



This Novel indeed a rare fanfic Novel that Try To be Unique From other But .... it makes the Novel have worser quality At the Start Well He is Number 1 Informant WHY He Show Up And Still Make the Deal If He know That someone backing that Guy Up? You Are Afterall Number 1 informant The Wish Just ..... How should i say? Ruining it? It be much better if he get 1 wish and just wish for the owl to be alive instead he got 5 wish , 2 Really good wish, and 3 Average I know Author Try to balance IT But still it bother me why the owl even alive after reincarnation chapter 3-4 Just to make MC more Op and i got bored and dropped this I Read Only 4 chapter So i still cant judge if this good Novel Or Bad Novel

The informant



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