
Review Detail of House in Necron: The Legend Of Rezar DeathWind



There are allot of problems in this novel. Feels like wasted potential. First of the MC is stupid like almost brain dead when the author wants to make him out to be a genius. When in reality he is fucking retarded. He also gets walked over for the first 60+ chapters. The female "guardian" like the girl who is running the prison ****es him over a few times yet mc lets it go like noting happened.... Like totally forgotten not mentioned again. Lets not forget she helped in his execution, did not help him, beaten him half to death a few times, ****ed him over a few more times,.... And MC lets it go like noting happened.... For some reason mc asks her to join his "team" later. Are we supposed to forget all the shit she did to him? MC also acts arrogant for no reason when he is still a slave. Thinks he acts smug when he is still making money for the guy who killed him and acts all high and mighty for no reason. A few more problems are that the author makes allot of mistakes, and likes to keep the mc weak. MC levels up but author casually forgets about it and then lets mc level it up again and thus waste exp. And one of the biggest brain farts about this is when he finally uses his exp after not using it for no reason (to make the mc even more weak then he already is) he puts all his exp in like the slave "class" and then removes the class 30 minutes later (legit next chapter). So the author is just keeping mc weak for no reason and its really annoying at this point. Like imagine watching mc grind (even thou he is already stacking a shit ton exp but does not use it because "reasons") and then your reward is watching him basically delete the exp. And then he acts all high and mighty thinking he is a genius.... Author also can't remember his Tiers, like T1 <25 / T2 25-50 / T3 ... Then he ****ed it up the next time becouse he can't remember what he said the previous chapter. Also the later chapters are full of useless system text stuff just to run up word count. Chapters are also really short, there is like no substance in the chapters except useless system info. For example mc walking then rest of the chapter is his stills that author never uses because he thinks it will be to confusing for him to remember.... Also the R18 tag is a ? The only thing we got is that the guy who killed mc slept with the guardian (well that's in plied at least). All in all i'm super disapointed. I expected a badass MC but what we got is a whimp who gets walked all over and does not take revenge. I still can't belive he put all his exp in slave that he saved from like 25 chapters and then removes the class. Like i think this novel will turn out in a shitty hero saves the world kind of garbadge. Writing Quality ⭐⭐⭐⭐ Stability of Updates ⭐⭐⭐ Story Development⭐⭐⭐ Character Design⭐⭐ World Background⭐⭐⭐ Like MC is way to softhearted for this kind of novel I expected some dark stuff but mc can't even take revenge now so idk what it will turn out to be later in the novel. Also I think I read somewhere author does not want mc to be the owner of slaves??? LIke he can't be the reason for slaves? Are you for real what kind of garbage shit is that! Novel is full of slaves but mc can't own any? It should be one of his skills yet he can't be the reason for slaves ....... Also the dark classes are supposed to be feared yet everyone and there Nan shits on mc. Its like author just forgot about the perks. I feel like there is no progression. MC should be a dark necromancer yet he kills no1 and only has "monsters" under his control why no humans? Also the caps are hard to read.

Necron: The Legend Of Rezar DeathWind





Update! Don't waste your stones on this trash. MC is your typical Shitty JP hero. Only goes downhill.


umm thanks for reading I guess 😔😔😔I hate edge lords, people who because of what they've gone through decide to fuck the world over, causing pain to the innocent and guilty. my mc is not weak, sure I agree there's a lot of inconsistencies when it comes to the system. but I'm not making a saint who will save the world, and I'm not making a devil who wants to burn it all to the ground. I'm making a selfish guy that just wants to live. it gets better


I get not making your mc and edge lord but common... Your mc is all over the place. There are also random perspective jumps that make it all the more confusing to read. But the two biggest problems I got from reading it till now is: WTF did you do with RED you just turned your mc into a doormat he did noting not even silly revenge. You just moved on with no rime or reason. Like if you make a "darker" story you can't just move on from stuff like this we need a reason. Second one is obvious the slave level. I just can't understand what happened there. Like he puts so much levels into the stats and then 30min later the next chapter you remove the "class" ??? I'm so confused like why did he level it up 9 times (like 20+ in total) to just remove it the next chapter???

Anone:umm thanks for reading I guess 😔😔😔I hate edge lords, people who because of what they've gone through decide to fuck the world over, causing pain to the innocent and guilty. my mc is not weak, sure I agree there's a lot of inconsistencies when it comes to the system. but I'm not making a saint who will save the world, and I'm not making a devil who wants to burn it all to the ground. I'm making a selfish guy that just wants to live. it gets better

I just feel betrayed by how the story looked and what I got. Its like reading a **** novel just to find out its the bible. Thats why I'm kinda angry. I feel like I wasted my time and money. Looking at your tags and the premise of the story I did not think it would turn out this way.

Anone:umm thanks for reading I guess 😔😔😔I hate edge lords, people who because of what they've gone through decide to fuck the world over, causing pain to the innocent and guilty. my mc is not weak, sure I agree there's a lot of inconsistencies when it comes to the system. but I'm not making a saint who will save the world, and I'm not making a devil who wants to burn it all to the ground. I'm making a selfish guy that just wants to live. it gets better

Grat novel keep up the good work

Anone:umm thanks for reading I guess 😔😔😔I hate edge lords, people who because of what they've gone through decide to fuck the world over, causing pain to the innocent and guilty. my mc is not weak, sure I agree there's a lot of inconsistencies when it comes to the system. but I'm not making a saint who will save the world, and I'm not making a devil who wants to burn it all to the ground. I'm making a selfish guy that just wants to live. it gets better

the class itself is gone, but it's stats remained. that's the point, besides the slave class limits the amount of classes a person can have to 4 removing it removes that restriction. as for Lenore I admit I could and should have handled her situation a little bit different, but she's integral to the plot. as for the MC being random, I know you won't believe me, but that was the plan. he's supposed to be all-over the place, not set and solid like most other MCs and there a reason for that that has already been exposed in the story. it's as if Everything he does it driven by curiosity.

House:I get not making your mc and edge lord but common... Your mc is all over the place. There are also random perspective jumps that make it all the more confusing to read. But the two biggest problems I got from reading it till now is: WTF did you do with RED you just turned your mc into a doormat he did noting not even silly revenge. You just moved on with no rime or reason. Like if you make a "darker" story you can't just move on from stuff like this we need a reason. Second one is obvious the slave level. I just can't understand what happened there. Like he puts so much levels into the stats and then 30min later the next chapter you remove the "class" ??? I'm so confused like why did he level it up 9 times (like 20+ in total) to just remove it the next chapter???

Why did you remove your comment I was just about to respond to it? You called me out on a few things, Let me clear that up for you. First of all if I remember correctly sins you removed your comment so I'm not 100% sure. I don't think I lack comprehension. I know the point was to remove the slave "class" that's not what i was bitching about. The problem was that he just sunk a shit ton of xp in the class the previous chapter. You get what I'm saying right? I like that he removed the "slave" class the problem is "slave" was his highest class! (Advanced slave (lv9)). So your point does not stand anymore. Or are you telling me he gets more stat point from "slave" class then any of his other classes? Like "miner" or "Necromancer" Or god forbid "Death lord" (still level 1 btw better put all my exp in slave and then remove it. You know the stat points and stuff that are so op in the slave class. Best class BTW. So next time you call me out read what I type b4 talking shit. Second point is RED. You said she was a slave (like in "slave" class) Well i think your wrong i think she said something among the lines of "everyone is a slave to someone" So we don't know if she was a slave. Then again i could be wrong sins i did listen to 70% of the novel in the gym and not read it but still. And the beating up part is also wrong she beat him up more then one time. Like the ones with the ants the guy was not there with them so no point in beating him half to death. Lastly she did "help" in MC'S death if he did not have the mission he would have died and that's a fact. He should have done something or even a lil transition but not randomly let her join for no reason. So she was not on his side she was neutral like she did not hate him but sure as hell did not help him. Sure she did call the guys out but it changed noting. Lastly the author does not need to take my review to serious. I just typed what i came up with in the moment. Could I have done it better? Sure!!! As you can see my review has no structure but that's the point of the review type what comes to mind when you think about the novel.

Gool_Tv:Grat novel keep up the good work

I didn't delete my previous comment. I believe it was moderated. Anyway to the point. I do believe that u dont even remember what you red honestly. Which it seems I was right because you just said you listened while working out. So clearly you missed the details. Red called Roland her master during the court session. She even said roland could drive a sword through her right in front of everyone and no one could say any thing to him. He was all their master and lord. Also it was clearly stated she had no idea that they set the mc up. So your bs statement about her helping them kill him does not make sense at all. It stated she wanted to but couldn't stop the trial.

House:Why did you remove your comment I was just about to respond to it? You called me out on a few things, Let me clear that up for you. First of all if I remember correctly sins you removed your comment so I'm not 100% sure. I don't think I lack comprehension. I know the point was to remove the slave "class" that's not what i was bitching about. The problem was that he just sunk a shit ton of xp in the class the previous chapter. You get what I'm saying right? I like that he removed the "slave" class the problem is "slave" was his highest class! (Advanced slave (lv9)). So your point does not stand anymore. Or are you telling me he gets more stat point from "slave" class then any of his other classes? Like "miner" or "Necromancer" Or god forbid "Death lord" (still level 1 btw better put all my exp in slave and then remove it. You know the stat points and stuff that are so op in the slave class. Best class BTW. So next time you call me out read what I type b4 talking shit. Second point is RED. You said she was a slave (like in "slave" class) Well i think your wrong i think she said something among the lines of "everyone is a slave to someone" So we don't know if she was a slave. Then again i could be wrong sins i did listen to 70% of the novel in the gym and not read it but still. And the beating up part is also wrong she beat him up more then one time. Like the ones with the ants the guy was not there with them so no point in beating him half to death. Lastly she did "help" in MC'S death if he did not have the mission he would have died and that's a fact. He should have done something or even a lil transition but not randomly let her join for no reason. So she was not on his side she was neutral like she did not hate him but sure as hell did not help him. Sure she did call the guys out but it changed noting. Lastly the author does not need to take my review to serious. I just typed what i came up with in the moment. Could I have done it better? Sure!!! As you can see my review has no structure but that's the point of the review type what comes to mind when you think about the novel.

- "Admirable but foolish. You're a slave; there isn't much you can do against a trained militia. Kill all of the zombies; I don't want these things spreading any sort of disease later". The commanding voice of Lenore sounded out, but there was no way in hell Rezar was going to let that happens. So are the "militia" no "slaves"? - "I believe you, but the slaves do not. They have no rights here, but there are enough of them with voices that can make a difference. Because of them I would have to listen to the slaves and try to keep the peace. So she did know he was innocent. - So things like demons, for example myself, or people who own death classes would be unable to touch it. That's why she answered and stood up for him without the medallion. - The priest was a little taken aback, indeed he had to think on his course of action a little bit deeper, why was he able to just tell something so secret and important about his life to Rezar. Maybe it was because he felt Rezar wasn't much of a threat, because when you think about it, the kid was still just a slave, what more could he actually achieve, even after the hell he just went through by dying and coming back to life. Looks like the priest is also not a slave! - He was sure now more than ever; that the people of the town, slaves and free cool alike would leave him the **** alone. So not everyone is a slave? - I'm as much a slave as you are Rezar, freedom is an illusion, we're all slaves to someone or something in Elysium - you can still bring your ores and I'll help you sell them since slaves always sell at a loss. For what is worth I'm sorry." Lenore said to him. So does that mean she is not a slave because she does not sell at a loss? And btw : "we're all slaves to someone or something in Elysium" - "Listen to me, SLAVE! I don't give a shit what sort of negative feelings you have against me, because quite frankly your worth is as much as the very ants that crawl under my shoes! As long as live here, as long as you're under my jurisdiction you will do as I say. Again, it does not look like she is a slave. - Sure she pretty much didn't have much of a choice in any of the situations, the calls were made by people who for all intents and purposes her employers. Conclusion she is not a slave but and employ. Conclusion: So unless you have seen her status in later chapters and she has a "slave" class she is not a slave but was and employee on the mine. She also knew he was innocent. She said she had to let him **** her so she could become stronger. Not because she had no choice.

Gool_Tv:I didn't delete my previous comment. I believe it was moderated. Anyway to the point. I do believe that u dont even remember what you red honestly. Which it seems I was right because you just said you listened while working out. So clearly you missed the details. Red called Roland her master during the court session. She even said roland could drive a sword through her right in front of everyone and no one could say any thing to him. He was all their master and lord. Also it was clearly stated she had no idea that they set the mc up. So your bs statement about her helping them kill him does not make sense at all. It stated she wanted to but couldn't stop the trial.

[ Cut the lady some slack while her argument is weak and she was wrong. It was foreshadowed that not only did she not want to hurt him she felt bad. The mc forgiving her should have been expected. it's ok not to like something but to question the author's skill at character creation isn't fair. If you dislike a choice from a social stand point doesnt make a story bad. I dont like harems but ima still read this lol relax stop trolling. I've seen your comments on other stories and it's always negative. There is nothing constructive in what you say. Is there any stories you like lol]


There are a shit ton of story's I like and you have seen like 2 comments xD. Well lets put the argument to rest. You where right in some point and wrong in other ones. So, Well if she is a slave then there was noting she could have done but that's only if she had the "slave" class else the whole argument is wrong and she just did not want to piss of the family. And I never said the author could not write a story i just said its not what I expected. I could not even write 5 chapters let alone a story. its just a review its how i see the story my personal opinion. (it can be wrong) But you also only focused on a small part of my review. The ting I wanted to say was. 1) The transition from "'[Enemy to friend]"' was not that good. 2) That he level up slave to his highest stat and then removed it next chapter. (I know it gives bonus stats but that's not the point) (all i wanted to say was why level it up when you will remove it next chapter, I'm sure his other classes would have given same if not better "stats" then slave) 3) That he needs to look out when giving BULK information of the system. 4) And try harder to keep track of what MC current stats are. I'm not bashing his novel. Its not like i gave it a 1* review. I just gave my personal opinion. (And like i already said it can be wrong) Some novels i like (on webnovel) -Grasping Evil 5* -Profane Prince of Domination 5* -Spirit Cultivation 4-5* -The Sinful Life of The Emperor 4-5* -The path of the lustful demon 4-5* -Dual Cultivation 4* (used to be super slow updates) -I Have a Mansion in the Post-apocalyptic World 5* -Fleshcrafting Technomancer 4* -Guild wars 4* -The Black Market 4* -Journey To Become A True God 4* (even tho the grammar is bad and author doesn't know the difference between he and she) -God and devil world 4* -Ultimate Scheming System 4* - The Lord’s Empire ,... And then there are a few more popular ones Now a novel i wish i could unread: -Everything will be my way!

Gool_Tv:[ Cut the lady some slack while her argument is weak and she was wrong. It was foreshadowed that not only did she not want to hurt him she felt bad. The mc forgiving her should have been expected. it's ok not to like something but to question the author's skill at character creation isn't fair. If you dislike a choice from a social stand point doesnt make a story bad. I dont like harems but ima still read this lol relax stop trolling. I've seen your comments on other stories and it's always negative. There is nothing constructive in what you say. Is there any stories you like lol]

Thanks author for making the personality of your MC clear. I wish more authors were as straightforward as you.

Anone:umm thanks for reading I guess 😔😔😔I hate edge lords, people who because of what they've gone through decide to fuck the world over, causing pain to the innocent and guilty. my mc is not weak, sure I agree there's a lot of inconsistencies when it comes to the system. but I'm not making a saint who will save the world, and I'm not making a devil who wants to burn it all to the ground. I'm making a selfish guy that just wants to live. it gets better

thanks for the compliment and thanks so much for reading

InHisName:Thanks author for making the personality of your MC clear. I wish more authors were as straightforward as you.

I agree if you give someone a necromancer class humans must be among the undead. This guy was crusified by humans both in the real world and the world of Elysium so his hate must be huge yet what we get is this shitty wimp who's retarded. He's the son of death an angel of death yet people choke his neck like his an ant for more than sixty chapters. I mean when you write don't you do research have u ever seen a kind necromancer.


yea, but he is not even that, to be selfish is to take revenge on those that do you harm when you can and in anyway you can, and also take and do whatever you want how you want too, the MC is literally the opposite of what you just said he is, he is a pathetically weak moronic door mat

Anone:umm thanks for reading I guess 😔😔😔I hate edge lords, people who because of what they've gone through decide to fuck the world over, causing pain to the innocent and guilty. my mc is not weak, sure I agree there's a lot of inconsistencies when it comes to the system. but I'm not making a saint who will save the world, and I'm not making a devil who wants to burn it all to the ground. I'm making a selfish guy that just wants to live. it gets better

Thanks for info bro

House:Update! Don't waste your stones on this trash. MC is your typical Shitty JP hero. Only goes downhill.

sigh i wont really say anything much but everyone has his preference if u give me a ruthless and cold hero or a Evil ruthless mc i would definitely choose the evil side its not that its fun watching mmc's torture or go on killing spree its for that one single goal they go for makes it so interesting the hero side kinda feels too cliche and idk not that exciting anymore I mean what wouldnt i pay for a few more novels with Mcs like Fang Yuan(Reverend Insanity)

Anone:umm thanks for reading I guess 😔😔😔I hate edge lords, people who because of what they've gone through decide to fuck the world over, causing pain to the innocent and guilty. my mc is not weak, sure I agree there's a lot of inconsistencies when it comes to the system. but I'm not making a saint who will save the world, and I'm not making a devil who wants to burn it all to the ground. I'm making a selfish guy that just wants to live. it gets better

That's a lot of R-18 novels! Also, no "Son of the Hero King"? Shame.

House:There are a shit ton of story's I like and you have seen like 2 comments xD. Well lets put the argument to rest. You where right in some point and wrong in other ones. So, Well if she is a slave then there was noting she could have done but that's only if she had the "slave" class else the whole argument is wrong and she just did not want to piss of the family. And I never said the author could not write a story i just said its not what I expected. I could not even write 5 chapters let alone a story. its just a review its how i see the story my personal opinion. (it can be wrong) But you also only focused on a small part of my review. The ting I wanted to say was. 1) The transition from "'[Enemy to friend]"' was not that good. 2) That he level up slave to his highest stat and then removed it next chapter. (I know it gives bonus stats but that's not the point) (all i wanted to say was why level it up when you will remove it next chapter, I'm sure his other classes would have given same if not better "stats" then slave) 3) That he needs to look out when giving BULK information of the system. 4) And try harder to keep track of what MC current stats are. I'm not bashing his novel. Its not like i gave it a 1* review. I just gave my personal opinion. (And like i already said it can be wrong) Some novels i like (on webnovel) -Grasping Evil 5* -Profane Prince of Domination 5* -Spirit Cultivation 4-5* -The Sinful Life of The Emperor 4-5* -The path of the lustful demon 4-5* -Dual Cultivation 4* (used to be super slow updates) -I Have a Mansion in the Post-apocalyptic World 5* -Fleshcrafting Technomancer 4* -Guild wars 4* -The Black Market 4* -Journey To Become A True God 4* (even tho the grammar is bad and author doesn't know the difference between he and she) -God and devil world 4* -Ultimate Scheming System 4* - The Lord’s Empire ,... And then there are a few more popular ones Now a novel i wish i could unread: -Everything will be my way!

What can I say 👉👈... I like what I like ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) Also ill check out your recommendation.

malachi_Pharr:That's a lot of R-18 novels! Also, no "Son of the Hero King"? Shame.