
Review Detail of Matthew_Poelman in Highschool DxD: A Minor Tale



My favorite dxd fanfiction hands down. The genre is littered with gamer fics and issei-replacement fics so this is a breath of fresh air. It's not even in the same time-frame, making it mostly original content. My question is, where does Pierce go from here power-wise? Is he going to become a human sage by trying to sync with nature? Or is he going to keep honing personal power and maybe mix his spiritual power from magic with chi? Aka chakra naruto style. I know its kinda cringy but I don't see why it couldn't work in the settings rules. I just hope he stays away from Sacred Gears and being race converted. I agree with Pierce's rant about Cao Cao being a giant hypocrite about his human pride when most of his power comes from the Longinus. I want to see a story about someone who becomes the strongest human the old fashioned way. Anyway, I kind of ramble but I love your story.

Highschool DxD: A Minor Tale



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