
Review Detail of Mortifer in The Magician of Sound



Cliché upon cliché Cringe First you have the overpowered sister Then an underestimated but secretly strong brother Then there's the student council introduction after which they made the mc fight someone then tried to invite him into the council Familiar enough? Yeah, irregular at magic highschool. Had the author followed that plot then it would've been better but no. He went and added a cliché rich young master obsessed with the girls around the mc. There's a trip to the wilderness and the rich young master tries to get the mc killed Familiar? Yeah, cliché xianxia plot. I dropped it at that point because it's so cringey I don't know why people likes this. Another thing is the forced bullshit. MC have superstrong hearing for kilometers apparently. Strong enough to hear everything going on inside his opponents body while fighting like the movement of muscles. But the author just pulls bullshit to cover why he can't hear the cliché rich young master scheming over the phone on the tent near them. . I'll spam this if it gets deleted.

The Magician of Sound





keke, i see your frustration, not that i agree with your opinion though. But some cliches are inevitable, no matter how much you try to avoid it, i learned the hard way, so when i saw scenes that got those parts i would just filter it out of the other text. Try it if you can, cliches are just tropes that are "overused" in books. Like the "cultivation trash cliche" or the "gains system after finding some old item" and even the "reincarnation" tropes, they really should be considered cliches, and they are because they are overused. So in other words, most of the stories you think you like on webnovel are just things that have been used thousands of times before by other people.