
Review Detail of SirLobo93 in Notebook of Fortune



Can someone tell me after reading if this is a representative concept like Library of Heavens Path? I really liked that novel but couldn't help the disgust I felt at a story using the same formula over and over again. I'm praying that this isn't but I can't bring myself to read it seeing the success of the last one.

Notebook of Fortune

Heng Sao Tian Ya




It's hard to be optimistic considering how that novel messed up in the end. But I can at least expect some good laughs I guess.


I did hear something about a bad ending but I'd totally forgotten about it as it's been like 2 yrs since I dropped it.

ThyUnknownSaint:It's hard to be optimistic considering how that novel messed up in the end. But I can at least expect some good laughs I guess.

No this is new... the author is not really just copying what he did in the Library of Heaven's path.. this is different.;.. well his OP.. his word can changed the law of the Nature Kinda op


Just cause it's new series doesn't mean it's new. The concept is the same simply from the introduction. The writing style is gonna be similar since it's the same Author. There are tons of ways it can be the exact same as the other and since the other was a let down my worries are valid and with cause

PixelKid:No this is new... the author is not really just copying what he did in the Library of Heaven's path.. this is different.;.. well his OP.. his word can changed the law of the Nature Kinda op

It's not the same, they are some similarity with the way of writing but its the same author so absolutely normal. I tell you that just after finishing chapter 60. For now it's not repetitive, you should just try it and enjoy