
Review Detail of TradeGy in Arrogant Young Master Template A Variation 4



I figured I should write a review as this may possibly be my favorite xianxia. The quality of the writing is superb, the story is deep especially for a xianxia. The story is written with a 'western' perspective as the MC is the classic reincarnated/transported from the 'real' world into the xianxia world but he is a westerner rather than chinese, this if nothing else is fresh and it does mean the references is more understandable for western readers. I don't want to spoil the story so I'll just say it avoids, so far, tropes that I am well and truly tired of like cardbord cut out characters. Probably why I actually like this so much is that, the characters feel real and not just like an NPC with 2 lines and no substance. Praying everyday for updates, thank you LivingSpoon for writing this.

Arrogant Young Master Template A Variation 4



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