
Review Detail of Airhead888 in The President's Lover is a Fighter



5 stars for you, author! This novel is a gem, and I'm absolutely disappointed that its ranking isn't higher. I love the characters, especially the FL--strong and beautiful, but she's still human and ain't perfect. And I looooovvveee the fact that she's a sexual woman who ain't afraid to be an active partner in bed--unlike those in other stories where the FL is too shy or too timid to give a head. :P Ey, we gotta embrace it. Please, please author... Don't make her too perfect in everything she does. Although you made her a genius, it doesn't mean that she will be a genius in everything that she will do. There is absolutely no person in this world who can be a genius in anything that she gets her hands on... It's kinda exhausting and it gets irritating when the FL becomes a superwoman who can do anything and everything under the sun. She gets dehumanized. I'm still in Chapter 77, and I'm already wanting more. Keep it up and more chapter releases please!!!

The President's Lover is a Fighter





Thanks for the review and suggestion. She also leans on other people for the most part. Let's see in the next chapter and hope you can still share your two cents.


by the way, do you have discord?