
Review Detail of Lyandy10 in Fatal Shot



Let me just start off with saying I only read to chapter 16. Ignore this if that irks you. Ok, I was first attracted to this novel due to its description and it’s genre, video games. I was expecting an international mercenary dunking on some kids that are touching guns for the first time. But the MC acts nothing like an experienced mercenary let alone one that is considered “international”. Whatever that means. He only has great aim and descriptions of being prepared and calm-faced. And the enemy players are pretty generic. Next, the game features. Everything basically costs money. There’s that feature where if you attack first, you turn yellow-named. And killing makes you red named. And it’s takes 3 days to turn yellow from red and 1 day for yellow to white. And that’s with 1 pvp point. And dying causes you to lose a level, a chance for an item unless you are red named which it then becomes 100%, and getting locked out of your account for 12 hours. Even if people are charging at you, unless they hit you, you are technically still out of battle. Next, story. It starts off already in the game for probably a month. We don’t get to see the MC in his world or transmigrating. He’s also already got fitted in with his identity. He has some connections and apparently lives somewhere high up on a building. Then some game stuff and he fights and offends one of the largest mercenary groups within the game with 10,000+ players. He’s a solo player btw so far. Which is 16 chapters. And there’s my review, I wasn’t invested enough to keep reading and seeing if this was better. So you can ignore this review if you were looking for a review with more credibility from more chapters read.

Fatal Shot

Ten Flares


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