
Review Detail of Twisteddoll in My Secretary is a Little Sweet



This is a bit terrible and also it's bad in a sad way. Could have been so much better. It is mentioned multiple times the FL is not stupid she's even a professor in the beggining. Which is true shes not stupid...she's a RAGING moron. Example of this is she walks into obvious traps over and over again where out of nowhere the ML appears to save. Her family is cliche evil and not once, not twice, but three times they lure to an event drug her try to sell her off to spend the night with a strange. She learns nothing from these attacks continues to act like she can handle everything herself. I'm disappointed she should after first or second attack realize she should have zero contact with them but keeps going head first into a brick wall of stupid.

My Secretary is a Little Sweet

Summer Blue Shirt




True i stopped. And stupidity is not measured by degree or profession, even a person with a high iq can be stupid and naive. She is clearly troublesome. I stopPed reading, this novel is so overrated i think no mature people will read this. She keeps on holding on to her family who hurt her. She wont let go. She Keeps on entertaininG them Whats so hard on Dumping all of them anyways She is so oathetic and weak and stupid with No common sense


true this was very overrated but I expected already that the FL was inept and incompetent towards dealing with familial relationship. Any smart person will throw their pride and use a powerful person that was conveniently available to them to protect herself in the future, knowing that she has yet the power to protect herself and the ability/means to retaliate. That's why it was easy for me to enjoy the book, I was at Chapter 60, because in the first place I was not expecting anything big from her. She's clearly emotional and sentimental, If a guy hurt me like her ex fiance, I would be very angry and loathsome with him not hurt and miserable, it's been 4 years already. Her character was very realistic and stable , It's just that most people expect FL to be smart when they are schemed. So this might not be their cup of tea. I'm not yet to the point where Im so annoyed of dropping this, I hope it was not that bad.