
Review Detail of Morning_Fragrance in Apocalypse Fortress



The writing quality is great, very well written and easily readable without having to read a sentence again to comprehend it. The system's section could be improved by adding a symbol of some sort to indicate that it's the section title. Example: [Section Name] Placeholder Placeholder Placeholder Chapter releases is good, but I admit that I'm being selfish and want at least 2 in one per day for 5 days. Take the weekends off or whatever suits the author best; don't want him getting sick of writing and mentally exhausted. Story development has a good temp, not too fast or too slow. At some places it gets straight to the point instead of needlessly dragging it out. Character Design is also wonderful, it's totally not because we have a lesbian MC. World Background is well, but could have more details albeit minor to give us more to imagine the surroundings and world. Overall, I'd love for this novel to continue until the very last chapter. I don't normally write reviews, even if it's for a novel that I like a lot. But this is novel is like a bottle of water in the middle of the desert, even though I've been seeing a couple of Apocalypse + System novels, but unlike the others, this is quality material. Keep up the great work.

Apocalypse Fortress



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