
Review Detail of Iris_swift in Spring Blooms When I'm with You



dear author hansora, I hope you've been well ? I never really write reviews however your book had been something I would read when I was feeling down or when I simply wished to read something. I loved it and I wanted to thank you for writing this with all your heart making it free for users to read without paying. ah the novel made me cry a number of times but as I've reached the ending I wish it never ended.. thank you for writing this I hope you would continue writing and make us cry with your beautiful stories~ with love one of your reader

Spring Blooms When I'm with You





And I want to thank you too for reading it until the end 🥺 I've always noticed your name because you gave with Power Stones before This book has always been dear to me because it's my first book on this platform as well as my first book in English. I enjoyed every moment writing it and I also love to read what the readers thought of this book If you want, feel free to read my other books but I'm sorry, the others are contracted 🤧 you can use Fast Pass to read them if you want All in all, I want to thank you for loving the journey of Tsubaki and Ren until the end. It's sad when the end comes but, it's life 🥺 I hope you'd only think of happy moments whenever you read Spring Blooms When I'm With You


haha yes ! I've already read your book the ocean beneath her feet completely blown up yet again with how good you can write ! waiting patiently for you to write shadow of her light ah I'm happy I found a author like you I hope more people can read your novels sigh I'm sure I'm a big fan. thank you again ! <3

hansora:And I want to thank you too for reading it until the end 🥺 I've always noticed your name because you gave with Power Stones before This book has always been dear to me because it's my first book on this platform as well as my first book in English. I enjoyed every moment writing it and I also love to read what the readers thought of this book If you want, feel free to read my other books but I'm sorry, the others are contracted 🤧 you can use Fast Pass to read them if you want All in all, I want to thank you for loving the journey of Tsubaki and Ren until the end. It's sad when the end comes but, it's life 🥺 I hope you'd only think of happy moments whenever you read Spring Blooms When I'm With You

hahaha I'm so happy now 🤣🤣🤣 about Shadow of My Light, I'm not sure when would I continue it. I have a full version in my native language but, it's short. In less than 60 chapters. I wanna improve the storyline but still doesn't have the idea My new book As the Wind Blows Your Scent to Me is another modern romance but, this time the leads have both been in love with someone else before meeting each other. It's my new try 🤣 and maybe another modern romance would follow but, with a hint of fantasy? 🤔

Iris_swift:haha yes ! I've already read your book the ocean beneath her feet completely blown up yet again with how good you can write ! waiting patiently for you to write shadow of her light ah I'm happy I found a author like you I hope more people can read your novels sigh I'm sure I'm a big fan. thank you again ! <3

CAN'T WAIT AH ! write great stories this fan here is always there to support you mwah

hansora:hahaha I'm so happy now 🤣🤣🤣 about Shadow of My Light, I'm not sure when would I continue it. I have a full version in my native language but, it's short. In less than 60 chapters. I wanna improve the storyline but still doesn't have the idea My new book As the Wind Blows Your Scent to Me is another modern romance but, this time the leads have both been in love with someone else before meeting each other. It's my new try 🤣 and maybe another modern romance would follow but, with a hint of fantasy? 🤔

hehehe please wait for it 🤭 even though I don't know when would I first publish the chapter

Iris_swift:CAN'T WAIT AH ! write great stories this fan here is always there to support you mwah