
Review Detail of HavenlyJeep in The demonic celestial



Story Premise (3 out of 5): - Transmigration. Enough said. Writing Quality (3 out of 5): - I don't mind the grammar since you've said you're not that fluent in English. But, there's too much info dump in the first few chapters. Split the paragraph into smaller sections. For example, make a rule that a paragraph consists of only three or four sentences at max. Use Google Docs to make sure you don't have missing commas and dots. Updates (5 out of 5): - Daily. Story Development (4 out of 5): - Pretty good so far. The pace is okay. But the long paragraphs make it hard too read. Reduce info dumps as much as possible. Character Design (3 out of 5): - I like to criticize on characters. So, there's not much description about the MC's looks and the people around him aside from the basics. The MC loves reading, so there's that. Other than the father (and Bernard), there's no one that I can get myself to look more into. Need more distinct traits are what I meant to say. World Background (4 out of 5): - Due to the info dump at the first few chapters, it's all been established. The surroundings need more descriptions.

The demonic celestial


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