
Review Detail of dedicatedblob in The Demon's Gate.



The characters are totally unrealistic. I mean, every single one. MC saw his power used in the most sensible and correct way, decides to use it in the most silly way. Female lead hates murder and even seeing people hurt. The MC comes along, kidnaps her and forces her to kill people. She went along with the whole situation like nothing happened and even falls head over heels for him.... His parents are also uses, it would have been better if he was an orphan; seeing as they had no presence and were totally useless. Author also places dialogue wrongly; therefore the whole story flow is bad ( He would put it before a long set of actions, so the dialogue just feels out of place, while the reading what happens later is already ruined because you already created an image of what you thought happened.)

The Demon's Gate.



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沒有回復。 來,成為第一個評論的人!