
Review Detail of Agrotera in Hello, Mr. Major General



I actually had high hopes after reading the synopsis, it made me think the story might be a bit more mature, logical, less drama.... How wrong I was. First of all it starts with typical spoiled rich girl being jealous of our smart 17y/o FL (who also happens to be a orphan). She drugges her with a aphrodisiac (surprise). FL is actually smart and flees into her guardians house and calls a military doctor and friend of hers. But ofcourse it is an unknown and super potent aphrodisiac that he has no antidote for and analysing will take hours. Here is were our ML 28 y/o comes in, the oh so handsome, cold, rich, successful, ruthless, muscular, strong, fair skinned... (you get it )genreal. The doctor tells him she needs to feel pleasure to wear down the aphrodisiac (yeah whatever, same stupid reason as always). BUT they actally have some reason left after hearing her moaning (not like actual man who are instanly rock hard and loose it all after hearing a girl moan) and know that she doesnt't have to do the deed with a man but one can use fingers instead. Her guardian, our ML decides to do it, while rejecting the proposal of getting a female doctor doing it (why???). Now one might think oh so nothing actually happens? Hahaha so *****... There comes the plottwist. It is some genetic (?) aphrodisiac and she "needs actual s*xual contact" or she won't get better and probably dies (if I roll my eyes any harder at this they'll fall out). So our kindhearted general naturally volunteers, they give her some drug that makes her forget and he doesn't use the condoms he was given bc they would hurt his pride as a man.... (I'm done) ...again he 28 y/o and her guardian, she 17 y/o. They make her forget through a drug, so she doesn't have to live with it but... I'm fed up with these kind of stories!! I never liked them a never will! This aphrodisiac thing was never a smart/good/clever way to start a story! The logic behind it is... not there?? In the end it is always and will always be rape, bc there is no way that she is in a state to consent. Ok ok in this story he does it so she won't die.. oh yeah he is sooo nice that everyone keeps ignoring the obvious plothole and agegap (pedophilic tendencies?). An I can already see the one dimensional enemies plopping up here and there with the superficial drama they bring. Oh and of course will our ML be the overbearing, posseiv and jealous type when in love... of course. 'Talking to another male? Be happy I don't chain you up!' or 'Oh you guy over there flirted with my gf? I'll make your life a living hell!' Tell me is there a story with a healthy relation ship? No rape-revenge kinda plots? Or is that my fews are just too 'femenist' to be pleased here?

Hello, Mr. Major General

Han Wuji




I can add that yes, it is a silly setting with 'rich *****' druggeng FL to be raped. Also, but i guess, that 's chinese mm culture? lead characters are always unbelievably smart, of genius level. Kind of boring....I can say this, if the author had a better writing style-she could've pulled off such plot -with a guardian falling in love with his ward... but the way it happened in 9 chapters was like reading a smut fanfic...(plot?what plot?) I feel regretful for voting. I really thought it would be a game of wits with little seduction between ML and FL...and not some 'young daddy pleasing his foster daughter because she might die'.


"I feel regretful for voting. I really thought it would be a game of wits with little seduction between ML and FL...and not some 'young daddy pleasing his foster daughter because she might die'." Haah, exactly my thoughts! I too thought it would be a game of seduction among two adults, slowly developing their relationship but sadly it is not.

A_MuRZ0:I can add that yes, it is a silly setting with 'rich *****' druggeng FL to be raped. Also, but i guess, that 's chinese mm culture? lead characters are always unbelievably smart, of genius level. Kind of boring....I can say this, if the author had a better writing style-she could've pulled off such plot -with a guardian falling in love with his ward... but the way it happened in 9 chapters was like reading a smut fanfic...(plot?what plot?) I feel regretful for voting. I really thought it would be a game of wits with little seduction between ML and FL...and not some 'young daddy pleasing his foster daughter because she might die'.

Thanks for saving my time. I feel regret, I voted for this ****. Me angry, me smash...


Please tell me you are reading “It’s not easy to be a man after traveling to the future”. That novel made me believe again that there could be good literature with a female MC. She is utter awesome and has everything I wished for in any genre ever.


Also, recommending any and all novels from Yu Wo... I’m not sure how to describe her romance other than more comedic that not, but I can carantee you won’t find any crappy steriotypes there 🙂


Ah that is actually in my libary but I haven't started it yet!! But now that it was even recommended to me I think I should start reading it soon :) and I will definitly look up 'Yu Wo'! Thank you!

Chicaalterego:Please tell me you are reading “It’s not easy to be a man after traveling to the future”. That novel made me believe again that there could be good literature with a female MC. She is utter awesome and has everything I wished for in any genre ever.

Thank you for the enlightment brother. I'm actually fan of romance but got sick of these kinda novel. But I'm very excited for upcoming novel "young mistress Xie" which according to tl have no misunderstandings or heart wrenching scenes, right according to my taste


I wanr my sumash vote back


i heard this "young mistress xie" has 6900+ chapters and its still ongoing, is it true?

thestatsguy:Thank you for the enlightment brother. I'm actually fan of romance but got sick of these kinda novel. But I'm very excited for upcoming novel "young mistress Xie" which according to tl have no misunderstandings or heart wrenching scenes, right according to my taste

Thanks for the spoiler...


I really hope you like Yu Wo! She is my favorite author ever 😍

Agrotera:Ah that is actually in my libary but I haven't started it yet!! But now that it was even recommended to me I think I should start reading it soon :) and I will definitly look up 'Yu Wo'! Thank you!

Yup, that's why I'm even more exited. More chaps, more fluff

Ruminas_Valentine:i heard this "young mistress xie" has 6900+ chapters and its still ongoing, is it true?



Wow thanks for your comment, very helpful. Won't be reading this then


You tell em! I'm so far up with this kind of stupid stories! If you haven't already go for Doomsday Wonderland. Awesome FL and amazing word setting!!! oh!and no dumb romance.


Yup this one is a gem too try it tho it gets expensive after the it gets premium cause it has really long chapters it totally worths it

Chicaalterego:Please tell me you are reading “It’s not easy to be a man after traveling to the future”. That novel made me believe again that there could be good literature with a female MC. She is utter awesome and has everything I wished for in any genre ever.

Try " First marriage then love " novel. It's ongoing with a healthy relationship. Although the leads get married in the beginning itself and for very idiotic reason, the story is progressing well.


have you read 'when a snail fall in love'? you will like it


I hv to Agree that so far most of the chinese Novel ML is kind if psychotic, possesive n powerful. LOL. By far only the ML in Dragon King's Son In Law is a average looking, soft hearted, low profile boy next door but still a typical male who does look at pretty girl. The next ML that is not overly psychotic would be from Hidden Marriage n Trial Marriage, Husband needs to work hard.


Why else do you think I spend all my power stones for that story??? It's the best one with female lead, period

Chicaalterego:Please tell me you are reading “It’s not easy to be a man after traveling to the future”. That novel made me believe again that there could be good literature with a female MC. She is utter awesome and has everything I wished for in any genre ever.