
Review Detail of Adam in Legend of the Empyrean Blacksmith



I thoroughly enjoyed first 25 of so chapters, but then it was like, chapter backstory, chapter foreshadowing, half chapter content, half chapter world building/world backstory, 2 chapter contentish filler, 1 chapter foreshadowing, 2 chapter debating meaning of life, and it just wasn't enjoyable, I don't want to have to re-read a chapter just to understand the basic concept of what they say, I don't care if I have to re read for understanding, but I want to at least grasp the concept after reading a whole chapter about it, it felt like the author was trying too hard to be mysterious, I feel that if the author wrote a book without cultivation and levels, that focused on deepness, the part that caused me to drop the book could have been good, but I feel it just didn't fit well with the beginning of the book, where the story profession of 1 chapter happens over 4 with a bunch of enigmatic chats in between, also please don't ***** at me to read more because "it gets better eventually", because that can be said for the majority of things, and I don't have an infinite amount of time, so I'd rather spend it doing things I enjoy

Legend of the Empyrean Blacksmith





So you post a 3 star review based upon your opinion in the subjective nature of the writing style used by the author with in the first 1/20th of the story. Most of the "mysterious" things are basically Easter eggs in a sense once you finish, it all has meaning. If anyone is reading this and is on the fence about reading the novel, well, it is kinda "slow" in a sense, at least for the first 30 or 40 chapters. But that's what allows the pacing to be so on point in the later portions of the novel, but it does get awesome after you get past the litteral BEGGINING OF THE BOOK 😂. The author creates really fleshed out characters that would act the way the actually should, and the dialog between characters is where this story shines imo. Once you actually understand the rudimentary plot behind the story the violence and ordeals that happens within it won't feel forced and you won't have to ask yourself "why is this happening ughhh" or "he wouldn't even act like that". Idk, this wasn't really even first published on this site and from most of the popular novels on here I get the feeling alot of people read those trash novels as kind of a guilty pleasure


I can tell story changes completely aftet 25 chapters, I pushed myself until 75, it just gets more tiring to read.