Mythica is always cool...
Warning!!! Forget about it completely. Don't even start it! The author throws this novel away and discontinues it, so don't waste your time on it... It was good, I liked it, but I hated how the author just doesn't care about his novels and ends up just throwing them away... I would advise not reading anything from MyLittleBrother at all... It's just not worth it...
One of the best novels of this platform… It’s super duper entertaining! Definitely recommend it! There are still too few chapters, but I do hope that the author is not going to run out of ideas… so far he/she has done a terrific job!!!!
The stuffed toy sounds nice, but in my case it would all depend on if it looks cute... If not, maybe the Jacket...
It started acceptable.... but as it continued it became trash... After he leaves earth, the plot becomes ridiculous and massively boring...
Hahaha, never thought about that... Quite a loophole in the story...
Ohhh I seee.... I was like, where is it!!!! o_o'
Was there supposed to be a picture here?
Danggg, you’re right! Never thought about that! I still feel a little weirded out. But it’s so true that our culture has already made it comfortable for us to call our dogs our children….
It does make a lot of sense… I have been enlightened!
I started reading this novel a few days ago, and got up to date really fast... So far, I have loved this novel a lot!!!! Love the characters, a little weirded out with the goat-kid "interaction" though... not my kind of sauce... The best part of all is that you don't find that stupid cliché that you find in so many novels of this genre: I was betrayed by everyone, included my family... Nobody loves me... I hate everyone... I'm going to prove them I'm the best and destroy them all kind of BS... Love how the character is loved by his family and doesn't have to go through those stupid cliches that most of the main characters in most novels go through just to justify the ruthlessness of its characters... Thanks for the novel! Keep up the good work! You'll have me looking forward to your posts!