Bruh. First of all, didn't he reincarnate/transmigrate??? Why is he acting like a child?? Secondly, he was adopted and it seems his adoptive parents cared a lot about him. So why is he acting like an orphan who never knew love???? Thirdly, he knows they are fictional characters from a story he read or movie he watched so his reaction should be more of surprise or admiration for the character of Lily. Finally, is no one around him (his guardian especially) going to question how he even knew all of these things???? Bro just literally received a Hogwarts letter (which shouldn't be possible as he was in japan, and if Kuoh was any indication, then he was also in the territory of Devils from Dxd which should have some magic protection) and then he suddenly knew where exactly to go and what to say to the Goblins to get what he wanted. Like bruh, at least have a staff member visit him and guide him first (which would make sense if he was Harry Potter's twin as I doubt Dumbledore would leave such a variable out of his sight/control). It's not like the book/movie of HP showed where the Leaky Cauldron is on the map (only its general area).
MC just gives away all of his DnD magic away for free. Events just happening randomly without any background reasoning. No background given for the MC and things just go smoothly without any transition whatsoever. He gets to HP world as a squib that was kicked out of family -> suddenly goes to Gringotts to get that family's inheritance (with no indication of how he knew that all members of that family died all of a sudden) -> turns out he is related to Rose Potter (a genderbent Harry Potter) -> suddenly becomes the lord of a town with all people reverently following his every word -> meets Rose (after sending her a letter about their distant relationship) and decides to teach her a Dnd spell for no reason -> Durselys conveniently kick Rose Potter out after she had met him leaving no choice for but for her to reside with him -> lets Hermione (who came to see Rose) go through all of his family's ancient family magic -> starts teaching Rose and Hermione Dnd spells and has them fight Dnd creatures... This story had a lot of potential but was ruined by lack of world building and bad choices made by the author!
Bro is just giving his magic away for no reason... Disappointing...
Really... A request... No contract or anything.... Cause its not like he could make himself rich beyond imagination using this breakthrough.... Dumb*ss..