It's a plane! It's Superman! No it's WonderDuckie!!
Buying a shop for 6,000. No matter how tiny the building. That is beyond unrealistic. Unless the novel takes place in some extremely povrished 3rd world country. The building alone would be worth well over 10x that amount. I guess we have to throw out common sense when reading this novel. Or just assume the value of everything in this world is vastly less than are reality.
You can hardly even buy a car made 10 years ago for that amount. Let alone an entire building. Your average house is in the 100,000+ range. So even the building the shop is in it self is far beyond 6,000. Let alone the shops branding, and like you said equipment inside it.
This deal was beyond stupid. The MC literally lost a ton. These potions better be god tier to make it worth it. He also better get them for free.
Tell that to all the actual star football players. You hardly see most of them in the national teams. Most of the time there made up of entirely rookies or sub players looking to show their stuff. While all those in a secure position watch it on tv from their yachts. It makes sense why they don't. Why would they risk being injured and possibly ruining their livelihood for a game that doesn't earn them any money?
????? that is an extreme leap in logic.
Well, considering how low this is on the power rankings. How little views it has compared to how long its been on the site and its chapter count. It's safe to say FateMaker was right, people have brains, they have eyes, they saw, and they passed by this novel.
What did you expect? Literally 95% of all the stories on this site use the exact same narrative style where you end up reading the MC name every other line. At this point I just literally skip their name entirely. We just have to accept that these type of authors always seem to default to the worst and easiest narrative to write in.