Chill n' read
It sank.
Look, if you can swing a greatsword as if it was as light as a flyswatter then it's only flaw would be confined spaces and long range.
Straight up make a new account and mass post with a slightly different title and picture.
More chapters and more words per chapter is always gonna be nice as long as the plot moves forwards. Staying on reactions over a lot of chapters on wn = stuck on the same thing over days worth of chapter uploads. So it feels like the story hasn't moved forwards for a long time. It's chill when you binge read but when you wait for each chapter upload it feels like a slog, like Goku spending a couple weeks worth of episodes to unleash a spirit bomb.
*Proceeds to turn off brain*
Increase chapter rate please, the story's momentum in regards to plot progression feels dragged down by chapter size and release speed. I mean I could always wait for 3-5 chapters before reading but then the gap between 'reads' would be inhibited by loss in flow caused be reading with huge time gaps from time last read.
There are a few methods that have been tested and proved possible if a bit extreme (which I won't mention because if not done right can hurt you). However, the gym is your best bet, especially leg days. Training big muscles like your quads, hamstring and glutes increases natural growth hormone production and testosterone which will aid in achieving your height potential as well giving a boost in achieving your 'woohoo' size potential. Squats, sprints and jumps are key.