Tcf More
Sr lee Is badas fuck
Good start and as far as I'm reading, it's pretty perfect. Let's see when he gets his powers and so on. While we're at it, you could add the verse from Psychic Mob 100#, it's practically about psychic powers and aliens and it would be good because it would open up more fights and cults. and organizations too and okarun could work with Raigen to have his own money and become his partner to become rich by helping rich girls and making Momo's grandmother join in too, jdr since we are also here, please let it be a harem, fuck aira, momo and the delegate, fuck yes
Good start and as far as I'm reading, it's pretty perfect. Let's see when he gets his powers and so on. While we're at it, you could add the verse from Psychic Mob 100#, it's practically about psychic powers and aliens and it would be good because it would open up more fights and cults. and organizations too and okarun could work with Raigen to have his own money and become his partner to become rich by helping rich girls and making Momo's grandmother join in too, jdr since we are also here, please let it be a harem, fuck aira, momo and the delegate, fuck yes
I love Is history
Jdr me anoto , pero tocaría añadir los personajes de lookismo a domde está al mc en ves de solo experimentar sus episodios? O sale plot twist de q realmente el mc si vivió esas peleas y no fue simulación, además agregas otros manwhas como mánager Kim y demás? Y estarías dispuesto a añadir una chica más para q sea semi harem con 2 chicas o 3? Jdr I signed up, but would it be time to add the lookism characters to where the mc is instead of just experiencing its episodes? Or is there a plot twist that the MC really did experience those fights and it was not a simulation, and do you also add other manwhas like manager Kim and others? And would you be willing to add one more girl to make it a semi harem with 2 girls or 3?
Jdr me gusta , siempre no me gustó q la la madre de Diane conseguirá lo que quiso al final , sabiendo q es una basura de persona q orillo a su hija al suicidio y olvido completamente a su hijo , joder hazla sufrir
Si tu relleno sigue siendo raro , Zoro como siempre sin saber q camino tomo