Hi, I read your message on my novel. I don't know if I can be of much help, but I am happy to. I have read your first chapter, and this is what I would do, I would directly start with him running away from the beast, with his back story as a short internal monologue from him. or start with him confronting Sakura. because that way, it would directly go into action, and I think it would hook the reader faster. Anyway, this is my opinion. I will be reading the other two chapters as well.
Yes, I was wondering when one would find out. She is inspired from scathach Scarlett.
What? NO! Of course, Mc mother is not a Virgin, since she had to have Seggs to have the MC, I will explain more in later chapters but, no. No NTR, I hate that stuff
I am planning on four chapters a day. but I can't promise it, but I can guarantee that I will upload at least three chapters a day
first of, thank for reading my novel. about the harem one, it will be wayy later, probably, hundreds of chapters later will any other girl come into the harem. and the girls would probably be less than five, and about *clapping* takes some time.