

2024-09-26 加入Global




  • Reonard17
    Reonard1719 days ago

    Now this is very interesting and very fresh story for me. A blend of deep fantasy that brings AI and the capability of a modern prince. I'm very interested though as he has a chimera ant, would he be an Entomancer!? Please answer, Author!

  • Reonard17
    Reonard1719 days ago

    IT GET PREMIUM TOO FAST! You should have made the premium more slower. It was getting more interesting later on, and you should have made premium there. That's all for me, overall VERY PROMISING

  • Reonard17
    Reonard1719 days ago

    Well, this was a great read up to this point. it's a blend of eastern fantasy with the system that filled with the thick history of gilgamesh. And it also has the depth from the villag eof heroes backstory as well. Overall very promising and enjoyable

  • Reonard17
    Reonard1719 days ago

    Now this is a masterpiece. I always like a smart mc, but this mc is best overall. the problem that appear is due to the responsibility that he keep on getting such as having to go as adventurer, as a lord/earl, as a professor, and now an additional job with the queen. But the author keep the story interesting and shift it at the right time right when the building up seemt o get boring it immediately shifts! I love the pacing, I hope it could continue updating!

  • Reonard17
    Reonard1719 days ago

    Last read chapter 343 here, I need to say that the story start to go on the slice of life for quite long, but I found it interesting to see the daily lives of all the characters, but I would like to ask the author to take responsibility in amke those lots of haracters and give enough screenplay for them and apepar in each chapter with their unique stories. But it turns out without me telling it got answered and the story keep on getting interesting with how Grafen turning into a mystical place. Please continue the novel, I'm eager for more chapters!