I love this. Can't wait to see what you have happen next or how the Hela situation is going. Totally ship Hela and oc. Have t-shirt already printed.
Amazing! I love this story. I hope you continue it. Will noaki get another paradox pokemon? Maybe iron horn or another from the future? ...........................................................
Wicked! Truly a great read and masterfully well written! I hope to read more and can't wait to see what you come up with next. P.s will fester make a appearance?
OMG! Awesome! So can't wait to see what you have going on next this is mind-blowingly good. Also can't wait to see what type of beating Oliver is going to dishout.
Awesome 😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎...................................😎😎😎.................................................,.,......., .....
Five stars for a wonderful work of art. I can't wait to see what happens next.............................................................................................................................
Praying for your swift and full recovery. I have found myself enjoying your story and can't help but find myself looking ever eagerly for your next adventure. As a fellow car accident experiencer I can say that I truly hope and pray for your recovery.
Would escanor's Sunshine ability work infinitely on him if he became a walking sun?
Love this story can't wait to see what you have happening next. Author amazing work. Story is amazing.........................................................
OMG amazing can't wait to see what you have in-store next! I'm also looking forward to reading about dooms most likely epic beating. May your writing continue to be amazing and may writers block never bother you.