Against the odds Dramione
In the aftermath of the Wizarding War, Hermione Granger and Draco Malfoy are thrust into an forced marriage as part of a Ministry decree aimed at uniting former enemies. Bound by law but divided by past betrayals, they struggle to navigate their new life together, each harboring deep scars and unspoken fears.
Hermione's emotional walls are high, her trust shattered by everything she witnessed during the war—especially in Malfoy's drawing room. Draco, burdened by guilt and shame from his past, quietly yearns for redemption, determined to prove he's more than the Death Eater label she brands him with.
But when sparks fly, emotions simmer, and desire breaks through their defenses, they realize their connection is more complicated than either could have imagined. As they face the decree's looming demands and the pressure to start a family, they must confront their darkest fears and the truth about each other.
Will they tear down the walls between them, or will the past keep them locked in bitterness forever?
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