It might be relatives wanting to take her out...
I hate the violence of people traumatising children and people . It is happening. Can we truly close our eyes to it?
it is as one could expect a dark story . The thing is, in writing it is more impactful . Writings about murders are not pleasant . Maybe it is a sensitive side that is mine.
licked by a Mastiff .... lol
Quite interesting Ru Meiqi , I am reading....😉🤠
Jiang is also one of the victims. Sing qi is Maybe a killer
Sometimes there is a good reason to not be afraid of death. to me it is a door . I will meet my Maker, after I finished why I am here on earth.
still Maybe he is, or Jiang ..
good start
The cat is awesome .. The scene in the prince's room.... well, Only for married people's eyes to read 🥴🤭. Yet I have only all the more found that being of kind of the same mind, gives the best relationship ..