


just a passionate guy who wanna make it big as a writer like everyone. I enjoy writing everything like everything.

2024-07-07 加入Global






  • Kregeelum
    Kregeelum5 months ago
    回復 Deborah_Ikina

    thanks and good luck I hope you make it big 👍

  • Kregeelum
    Kregeelum5 months ago

    Ohk I lovloved the first few chapters came to check the reviews and it only has two so I decided to write one as soon as possible also thanks to the father for recommending this book 🔥 let's see how this turns out

  • Kregeelum
    Kregeelum5 months ago
    回復 Ikina_Tinatei

    sure 👍

  • Kregeelum
    Kregeelum5 months ago

    this is the first book I have given 5 star to and that's not because it's perfect that's because I fucking love the world building absolutely great world building and that alone deserves a 5 star but the characters are cherry on top some interactions in the beginning of prologue could have been better but I didn't get bored and I am intrigued to read more of it so it's definitely great 👍

  • Kregeelum
    Kregeelum5 months ago

    🔥 I was doing this because I was asked to review but damn this is absolutely fire bro cooked I absolutely love it it's just the kind of story I like!! let's go I am pumped gotta read it all now

  • Kregeelum
    Kregeelum5 months ago

    Ohk first of all the story is beautiful it's not unique but it feels lively I like how the characters interact and it's amazing how the pacing is not whack the story is good I love the characters but that dosedosent mean it's perfect the biggest issue is grammar some sentences could have been written in a better way let's see how this turns ouout 👍 good luck sorry I didn't sugar coat it but I hope you appreciate my honeshonesty 🙂

  • Kregeelum
    Kregeelum5 months ago
    回復 Kei_Hofer

    damn this motivated me fr! I use discord I haven't been much active life was taking a toll outta me but this is made me smile so thanks "kregelum" that's my discord username 👍

  • Kregeelum
    Kregeelum5 months ago

    Ohk so I love the way she writes very professionally almost no grammatical errors but it's not perfect let's start with the good things because It has more things in its favor then against it GOOD THINGS I like the how story is presented characters even tho lack somethings but are not cardboard cutouts it's romance so I was expecting no story at all but I love where this is going the way dialogues are handled has to be my favorite thing about this it's just beautiful BAD THINGS the opening chapter is well a pretty good chapter but I think it shouldn't be the opening it introduced too many characters which were a bit hard to follow what would have been better if they were introduced with intervals of 100 words pacing is off I think the transition between first half of the chapter and second half could have been handled better THE AUTHOR HAS POTENTIAL THEY AREN'T STUPID THEY NO WHAT TO DO AND THEY ARE PASSIONATE ABOUT IT I LOLOVE THAT

  • Kregeelum
    Kregeelum6 months ago

    hey I am just doing this for fun but IDK I love it for some reason maybe y'all should give it a try

  • Kregeelum
    Kregeelum6 months ago

    it's my work of course I am gonna love it